Diocese of Vladimir and Suzdal

Diocese of Vladimir and Suzdal

Headquarters Vladimir
Denomination Eastern Orthodox
Sui iuris church Russian Orthodox Church
Established 1213
Language Old Church Slavonic
Governance Eparchy

Vladimir and Suzdal Diocese (Russian: Владимирская и Суздальская епархия) is an eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church centered in Vladimir Oblast, Russia.

Cathedral of the diocese - the Assumption Cathedral in Cathedral Square of the city of Vladimir.

As of 1 January 2006, there were 28 in the Diocese of monasteries (13 male and 15 female) who had 13 yards and 2 of the monastery, about 300 parishes.

The ruling bishop from November 11, 1990 - Eulogius (Smirnov), Metropolitan of Vladimir and Suzdal.


The Christianization of the Rostov-Suzdal region began, apparently in 990 years - since the time of burial in the region have already committed the Christian rite.

In 1160-s years of the Prince Andrey Bogolyubskii tried to establish an independent metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev led by Theodore (Feodortsem), but the Constantinople Patriarch Luke Hrisoverg rejected plans for the prince.

Create Vladimir diocese took place in 1214 when Vladimir Prince George Vsevolodovich by isolation from the Rostov diocese. Originally the title of bishop was: "Suzdal and Vladimir." The first bishop of the newly formed Diocese of Simon was put out of abbots in Kiev Metropolitan Matthew. Cvyatitel Simon is known as the author of eight stories about the Crypt monks set out in the letters to the Kiev-Pechersk monk Polycarp. It was they who laid the foundation of the Kiev-Pechersk patericon - the first collection of the Life of Russian saints. Simon died in 1226 and was buried in the Cathedral of the Assumption.

The next bishop was rector of Nativity abbot of the monastery of Vladimir Mitro. During his management marred the Tatar-Mongol invasion in the great reign of Vladimir. In 1237 the troops of Batu Khan wiped Ryazan and in February 1238 came close to Vladimir. The city was captured, looted, and its residents have been killed or taken prisoner. Killed and Bishop Mitrofan with his family in the walls of the grand Cathedral of the Assumption, which was badly damaged by fire.

After the invasion of Batevo works to restore order in the affairs of the church administration suffered Kyiv Metropolitan Kirill, who has long resided not in the destruction of Kiev and Vladimir.

In 1274 Vladimir worked for the Local Council of the Russian cervical cancer. As bishop of the city of Vladimir was consecrated Archimandrite of Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Serapion, the cathedral city was Vladimir on Kliazma. The ruling bishop received the title of "Vladimir, Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod". The territory of the diocese then consisted of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir and principalities Gorodetsky, Kostroma, Moscow, Pereslavsky, starodubskiy, Suzdal with Nizhny Novgorod and Tartu.

Since 1299 most of the territory of the modern Vladimir diocese was part of the Metropolitan Region (from 1589 - Patriarchal area since 1721 - Synod area) Muromskaya land was under the control of Ryazan bishops. In 1347 on the lands of Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod principality of Suzdal diocese was formed.

16 July 1744 from the Moscow allocated Vladimir diocese, which is called Vladimir and Yaropolskoy. In the years 1786-1788 to Vladimir and Suzdal diocese merged into one.

On 24 March 1916, in connection with the establishment of the Vicariate of Suzdal, Vladimir diocese, Archbishop Alexy titled Vladimir and Shumsky.