Diocese of Rostov and Novocherkassk

Diocese of Rostov and Novocherkassk (Russian: Ростовская и Новочеркасская епархия) is an eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church. Is part of the Don Archdiocese. Combines parishes and monasteries in the south-west of Rostov region.


Earlier there was Don Don and Novocherkassk Eparchy, which was established in 1829, with the department in Novocherkassk. It included also the army of the Black Sea and the Caucasus region, the bishop granted the title of Novocherkassk and St. George. In 1842, with the establishment of the Diocese of Caucasian, Novocherkassk bishops received the title of Don and Novocherkassk.

Proposed the creation of the Rostov and Taganrog district an independent department in the center of Rostov-on-Don. In response to this project Ekaterinoslavskogo Bishop Don clergy sent a petition to the Synod to "open vikariystvo at Don arch-priest." The Synod did not satisfy both applications.

Rostov diocese created May 24, 1919 decision of the Provisional Supreme Church Authority of South-East of Russia [1], being isolated from Katerynoslavs'ka diocese and at the time was called "Rostov and Taganrog."

The decision on the allocation of the diocese was done in the Stavropol Council (May 19 - May 24, 1919), called for a temporary church administration for parts of the Russian Orthodox Church, trapped in the territory occupied by Denikin's troops.

In the early 20s, after the establishment of the Don Soviet authorities began a crackdown on the church. A commission was established to give effect to the Decree "On the separation of church and state and school and church," whose activities, in particular, was aimed at closing the temples. By 1923, in Rostov was closed seven churches.

In the 1930s, widely carried out mass closure and destruction of churches, the destruction and desecration. In 1937, was closed Rostov Cathedral. He was re-opened during the occupation in 1942, continue to remain active.

The diocese has resumed operations in 1943 and its membership included the territory of the abolished Don diocese.

July 27, 2011 marked the Diocese of Rostov Shakhtinskaya and Volgodonskaya diocese.[1] October 6, 2011 Rostov, Volgodonsk and Shakhtinskaya diocese included into the newly Don Metropolis.[2]
