Dihydrogen monoxide hoax

"Dihydrogen monoxide" and "DHMO" redirect here. For the H2O molecule, see Properties of water. For Dental Health Maintenance Organization, see Dental insurance#Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO).
The subject of the hoax, water molecules, consist of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

The dihydrogen monoxide hoax involves calling water by the unfamiliar chemical name "dihydrogen monoxide" (DHMO), and listing some of water's effects in an alarming manner, such as the fact that it accelerates corrosion and can cause severe burns. The hoax often calls for dihydrogen monoxide to be regulated, labeled as hazardous, or banned. It illustrates how the lack of scientific literacy and an exaggerated analysis can lead to misplaced fears.[1]

The hoax gained renewed popularity in the late 1990s when a 14-year-old student collected anti-DHMO petitions for a science project about gullibility.[2] The story has since been used in science education to encourage critical thinking.


A 1983 April Fools' Day edition of the Durand Express, a weekly newspaper in Durand, Michigan, reported that "dihydrogen oxide" had been found in the city's water pipes, and warned that it was fatal if inhaled, and could produce blistering vapors.[3] The first appearance of the hoax on the internet was attributed by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette to the so-called "Coalition to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide,"[4][5] a parody organization started by UC Santa Cruz student Craig Jackson following the on-campus postings and initial newsgroup discussions.

This new version of the hoax was created by Eric Lechner, Lars Norpchen, and Matthew Kaufman—housemates while attending the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1989,[6] revised by Jackson in 1994,[4] and brought to widespread public attention in 1997 when Nathan Zohner, a 14-year-old student, gathered petitions to ban "DHMO" as the basis of his science project, titled "How Gullible Are We?".[2]

Jackson's original site included the following warning:[7]

Dihydrogen monoxide:[8]

  • is also known as hydroxyl acid, and is the major component of acid rain.
  • contributes to the "greenhouse effect".
  • may cause severe burns.
  • contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
  • accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
  • may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.
  • has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:

  • as an industrial solvent and coolant.
  • in nuclear power plants.
  • in the production of styrofoam.
  • as a fire retardant.
  • in many forms of cruel animal research.
  • in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.
  • as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

A mock material safety data sheet—a list of information about potentially dangerous materials used in research and industry—has also been created for H2O.[9][10]

Molecular terminology and naming conventions

The water molecule has the chemical formula H2O, meaning each molecule of water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Literally, the term "dihydrogen monoxide" means "two hydrogen, one oxygen", consistent with its molecular formula: the prefix di- in dihydrogen means "two", the prefix mon- in monoxide means "one", and an oxide is a compound that contains one or more oxygen atoms.[11]

Using chemical nomenclature, various names for water are in common use within the scientific community. Some such names include hydrogen oxide, as well as an alkali name of hydrogen hydroxide, and several acid names such as hydric acid, hydroxic acid, hydroxyl acid, and hydroxilic acid. The term "hydroxyl acid" used in the original text is a non-standard name.[12]

Under the 2005 revisions of IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry, there is no single correct name for every compound.[13] The primary function of chemical nomenclature is to ensure that each name refers, unambiguously, to a single substance. It is considered less important to ensure that each substance should have a single name, although the number of acceptable names is limited.[13] Water is one acceptable name for this compound, even though it is neither a systematic nor an international name and is specific to just one phase of the compound. The other IUPAC recommendation is oxidane.[14]

Public efforts involving the DHMO hoax

DHMO in education and debate

The DHMO hoax has been used in science education to encourage critical thinking and discussion of the scientific method.[34][35]

An Kye Burchard, a freshman at Great Falls High said in an ironic editorial about the fears of dihydrogen monoxide that: "The point here is that it's easy to make anything sound like it's scary. People drown in water every day, and water is used as a flame retardant. People tend to assume that things with scary names and vague descriptions are bad for you, even though they aren't always."[36] Jennifer Abel from Consumer Affairs also said: "search online for information about dihydrogen monoxide, and you'll find a long list of scary and absolutely true warnings about it: used by the nuclear power industry, vital to the production of everything from pesticides to Styrofoam, present in tumors removed from cancer patients, and guaranteed fatal to humans in large quantities."[37]

See also


  1. Carder, L; Willingham, P.; Bibb, D. (2001), "Case-based, problem-based learning: Information literacy for the real world", Research Strategies 18 (3): 181–190, doi:10.1016/S0734-3310(02)00087-3.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Dihydrogen Monoxide from Urban Legends Reference Pages, retrieved 2006-09-25.
  3. "April Fool's Day, 1983". Museum of Hoaxes. Archived from the original on 18 April 2001. Retrieved 3 September 2014.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Kruszelnicki, Karl S. (2006), Mysterious Killer Chemical, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
  5. Roddy., Dennis B. (1997), Internet-inspired prank lands 4 teens in hot water, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (published April 19, 1997)
  6. Erich Lechner (February 23, 1990), Warning! Dangerous Contamination! (original usenet posting), Usenet rec.humor.funny archive
  7. 7.0 7.1 Craig Jackson (1994), Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide!, Coalition to ban DHMO, archived from the original on 1996-10-31Coalition to ban DHMO officers, Coalition to ban DHMO, archived from the original on 1997-01-25
  8. "Ban Di-hydrogen Monoxide!".
  9. "DHMO Material Safety Data Sheet". Improbable Research.
  10. "Material Safety Sheet – DiHydrogen Monoxide" (PDF). DHMO.org.
  11. Van Bramer, S.E. (1996), Chemical Nomenclature
  12. "/www.bluelaketec.com". Bluelake Technologies. Retrieved 2010-04-02.
  13. 13.0 13.1 IUPAC Report: General Aims, Functions and Methods of Chemical Nomenclature (March 2004)
  14. Leigh, G. J. et al. 1998. Principles of Chemical Nomenclature: A Guide to IUPAC Recommendations, p. 99. Blackwell Science Ltd, UK. ISBN 0-86542-685-6
  15. Original Poster Circulated at UC Santa Cruz; (PDF)
  16. "Hydrogen Hydroxide: Now More Than Ever!". Armory.com. Retrieved 2014-06-08.
  17. Glassman, James K (1997). "Dihydrogen Monoxide: Unrecognized Killer". The Washington Post.
  18. Campaign launched against dihydrogen monoxide, Deutsche Presse-Agentur, April 1, 1998
  19. "Greens Support Ban On Water!". Scoop Independent News. 2001-10-25.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Gnad, Megan (2007-09-14). "MP tries to ban water". New Zealand Herald.
  21. "Neal Boortz to Hang Up the Headphones". Fellowship of the Minds. 2012-06-05. Retrieved 2014-06-08.
  22. "Penn & Teller: Bullshit!" Environmental Hysteria (2003), Internet Movie Database
  23. Local officials nearly fall for H2O hoax, at MSNBC March 15, 2004, Retrieved 2006-09-25.
  24. Water without hydrogen would warrant warning, Louisville Courier-Journal, Monday, July 17, 2006 (link inactive as of Friday, May 18, 2007)
  25. Danger! H in H2O, Chemical & Engineering News, October 23, 2006 webcite mirror
  26. Petition to "Ban dihydrogen monoxide" on UK Government e-petitions Web site
  27. "Questions And Answers – Wednesday, September 12, 2007". Scoop. September 13, 2007.
  28. "PDF file of related correspondence" (PDF). Scoop. September 13, 2007.
  29. "Regina-qu'appelle mp tables legislation to ban dihydrogen monoxide". 2010-04-01.
  30. Pitäisikö lakia tiukentaa vetyhapon saatavuuden ja käytön osalta?, Sosiaalinen Vaalikone, February 25, 2011, archived from the original on 2013-05-29
  31. "Florida DJs are Off the Hook for Their Successful April Fool's Prank". The Atlantic Wire. April 3, 2013. Retrieved 2013-04-11.
  32. "Presenters suspended for April Fool hoax". Radio Today. April 1, 2013. Retrieved 2013-04-02.
  33. "2 radio personalities suspended due to April Fools' Day prank". WFTV. April 2, 2013. Retrieved 2013-04-02.
  34. Joel J. Mintzes, William H. Leonard, eds.; Handbook of College Science Teaching; National Science Teachers Association; 2006; p. 264; ISBN 0873552601.
  35. Donald M. Simanek, John C. Holden; Science Askew: A Light-hearted Look at the Scientific World; CRC Press; 2001; p. 71; ISBN 0750307145.
  36. Burchard, Kye (11 May 2014). "No danger in name of a chemical". GreatFallsTribune.com. Great Falls Tribune. Retrieved 3 April 2015.
  37. "Coca-Cola to remove "flame retardant" from American drinks". ConsumerAffairs.com. Retrieved 2014-06-08.

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