Devrimci Karargâh

Devrimci Karargâh (English: Revolutionary Headquarter) is a nominally Marxist-Leninist organization in Turkey.

DK first came to public attention in April 2009, when some of its members were involved in a six-hour gun battle with police in the Istanbul neighbourhood of Bostanci, leading to the death of a policeman, a bystander, and the organization's leader Orhan Yılmazkaya.[1] 20 of its members were arrested in September 2009.[2] DK is also held responsible for several bomb attacks in 2008/9.

Journalist Aylin Duruoglu was detained for over six months for knowing one of DK's alleged members.[3] Former police chief Hanefi Avcı, an Islamist-leaning conservative, is also accused;[4][5] he is also charged in the Odatv case of the Ergenekon trials.

DK may have been infiltrated by Turkey's National Intelligence Organization (MIT): MIT agent Murat Şahin was arrested in a raid on the DK in December 2011, and released a week later and his file separated from those of others arrested.[6]


  1. Tagesspiegel, 27 April 2009, "Bis zum letzten Blutstropfen" in Istanbul
  2. Taraf, 30 September 2009, ‘Devrimci Karargah’ta üç dalga, 20 tutuklu
  3. Reporters without Borders, 5 October 2009, Editor of newspaper’s website faces 15 years in prison
  4. 25 September 2010, Former Turkish police chief called to testify
  5. Hurriyet Daily News, 4 February 2013, Prosecutor demands 50 years for former police intelligence chief
  6. Firat News Agency, 2 February 2013, Former secret agent: Güney member of MIT

External links