Desloge Consolidated Lead Company

Desloge Consolidated Lead Company was a lead mining company in the Southeast Missouri Lead District that was operated by the Desloge family in the 19th and early 20th century. The Desloge lead operations in the "Old Lead Belt," in the eastern Ozark Mountains, helped Missouri become the premier lead mining area of the world.



The businesses that would become the Desloge Consolidated Lead Company began around 1824, when Firmin Rene Desloge built a smelting furnace as an extension of his mercantile business in Potosi, Missouri. Desloge Lead Company is the original Desloge family lead business in Missouri.[1][2][3] Firmin Rene Desloge is the founder of the Desloge Family in America.

His son, Firmin V. Desloge [4][5] expanded mining operations and moved management to Bonne Terre, Missouri;[6] a charter was granted to the Missouri Lead and Smelting Company on June 5, 1874. The corporate name was changed to “The Desloge Lead Company” on February 21, 1876.

Three shafts were sunk during 1876 and 1877 and a new mill was built. A fire in March 1886 destroyed the concentrating mill plant and did great damage to the entire surface plant of the Desloge Lead Company. Rather than rebuild, the Desloge Lead Company was sold to the St. Joseph Lead Company in 1887. At that time, the land was cleared and company houses for his staff were constructed just west of the present day Desloge, Missouri.[7]

In 1893, a new Desloge mine was opened in St Francois County. Just north of the St. Joe Lead Company property in Bonne Terre was a tract of land originally granted to Jean Bte. Pratte, designated as U. S. Survey No. 3099.[3] It was this tract of land that attracted the interest of the Desloge family.

The mill could produce 500 tons of lead per day.[8][9]

Firmin Desloge II purchased land next to St. Joseph Lead Company and built a smelting plant for his new corporation, Desloge Lead Company. He expanded lead mining operations by buying the Bogy Lead Mine Company and the St. Francois Mining Company and organized a new company called Desloge Consolidated Lead Company with partners.

Ultimately, the company's lead operations required a massive real estate effort involving hundreds of land leases, purchases, options, rights of refusals, mineral rights, chattel mortgages, deed transfers, quit-claims, trust deeds, judgment sales, sheriff’s sales, bankruptcy sales, grants, bonds, notes, and various claims from area miners all covering thousands of acres and hundreds of parcels of land.[10]

The company sank mine shafts and built mills, smelting furnaces, and power stations.[11]


To serve the Desloge and St. Joe mines, Firmin Desloge II built the first railroads to penetrate the disseminated lead field of St. Francois County: the Desloge Railway, the Mississippi River and Bonne Terre Rail Road[12] and the Valley Railroad.

Desloge also helped develop the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway (aka Iron Mountain Railroad) from St. Louis to Texarkana, Arkansas. When the St. Joseph Lead Company built a 13.5-mile narrow-gauge railroad from its mines to the Iron Mountain tracks at Summit in Washington County, the Desloge Company paid one-third of the costs.

Late-century lobbying

The Revenue Act of 1894, also known as the Wilson-Gorman Tariff, lowered protective tariffs on lead (although it raised rates on sugar and other materials). The prospect of cheaper imported lead threatened the Desloge company and other southeast Missouri lead businesses, so Firmin Desloge II immediately went to Washington, D.C., to lobby for repeal. In the meantime, he spent part of his own fortune to continue operations, retained his employees, and stockpiled instead of sold his pig lead.[13] The lead industry's lobbying efforts paid off in 1897, when the Dingley Act once again raised barriers to lead imports.[14]


Around 1916, the Desloge Consolidated Lead Company moved its corporate offices from Desloge to the Rialto Building in downtown St. Louis. Despite the city's history as a fur-trading center, "more money passed through St. Louis as a result of the lead business in Missouri,” according to Robert E. McHenry's book "Chat Dumps of The Missouri Lead Belt."[15]


In 1929, the company sold its plant to the St. Joe Lead Company[16] for $18 million[17][18] ($247,220,930 today[19]). A trade newspaper wrote, “With the absorption of the Desloge concern by the St. Joseph Lead Company, one of the oldest mining companies of the district goes out of existence as a company.”[18]

The Desloge Consolidated Lead Company, and specifically Firmin Rene Desloge and Firmin Desloge, II were noted as "the most distinguished of American mining engineers".[20]

The modern Desloge Consolidated Lead Company

The name Desloge Consolidated Lead Company was used for a company formed in 2004 as an investment holding company by a Desloge family descendant, Christopher Desloge[21] The name was changed in 2005 to Madaket Growth, LLC.


  1. Huger, Lucie Furstenberg. The Desloge Family in America. St. Louis: Nordman Printing Co., 1959.
  3. 3.0 3.1 History of St. Joe Lead Company
  4. Stevens, Walter B. St. Louis The Fourth City 1764-1911. 2 vols. St. Louis-Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1909 and 1911.
  6. Thomas A. Rickards. A History of American Mining, Maple Press Co., New York, 1937 online version
  7. Ingalls, Waiter Renton. Lead and Zinc in the United States. Hill Publishing Company, London, England, 1908
  8. History Of The Lead Belt Of St. Francois County Missouri By A. J. Norwine (1924)
  9. A large collection of original documents from early 1800s to 1920s evaluated by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Art Hebrank, Missouri Mines State Historic Site, Park Hills, MO. Documents remain in the possession of the Desloge Family, St. Louis, MO
  10. The Desloge Chronicles, Christopher D. Desloge, compilation of Desloge letters and history, 2010
  11. Sullivan, John J., History of St. Joe and Desloge Railway and Missouri River and Bonne Terre Railroad, handwritten, Railroads Collection, Desloge Railway, Missouri Historical Society archives
  12. Globe-Democrat, Editorial, November 18, 1908.
  13. Mitchell, S. Duffield (December 1909). "Tariff on Zinc Ores". Report of the Proceedings of the Annual Session, Volumes 11-12 11: 226.
  14. Chat Dumps of The Missouri Lead Belt, St. Francois County, With an Illustrated History of the Lead Companies that Built Them. McHenry, Robert E., 2006, Copy accessed at Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Missouri Mines State Historic Site, Park Hills, MO
  15. Desloge Consolidated Lead Company records at Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, MO
  16. 18.0 18.1 May 31, 1929 The Lead Belt News
  17. Consumer Price Index (estimate) 1800–2014. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Retrieved February 27, 2014.
  19. Secretary of State, State of Missouri, Corporations Division

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