Derivative house

In astrology, a derivative house describes the affairs of a house when you turn the chart and is used in horary astrology. Chances are that if you're here you're probably trying to figure out how to interpret your horary question.

The houses in horary astrology charts mean the same as in the natal chart. For example, horary questions about boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives have the 7th house as the partner's significator, just like in your birth chart the 7th house relates to how you interact with your partner and long-term marriage/love-related stuff. Again, the meaning of each house is the same whether you're doing horary, natal or electional astrology.


DERIVATIVE HOUSES AKA TURNING THE CHART: I will simplify derivative houses because I know horary and astrology in general is difficult enough. As an example, let's say we ask a question about your husband, he'd be the 7th house since that's the house of partnerships and he's obviously your partner. What we would do is turn the chart so the 7th house now becomes the first house, kind of like your husband is the first house and the person in charge.

In the derivative chart we are now back at the first house which relates back to the seventh house in the horary chart.

See also