Derawali dialect

Further information: Punjabi dialects
Punjabi–Lahnda dialects

Derawali is a cover term. At right, the label is used for the Punjabi dialects of Dera Ismail Khan District Dera Ghazi Khan District and Rajanpur District of Pakistani Punjab areas and Khyber Pukhtunkhawa.


Its name is derived from Derajaats where it is spoken.


It had been historically classified as dialect of Punjabi. In 1920’s, Garrison in his Linguist Survey of India classified it to Southern cluster of Lahnda (Western Punjabi)[1] and concluded it as a cover term for several dialects spoken in Derajaat such as Talochi or Multani. In 1964 Multani along with Derawali was termed as Saraiki which is claimed as a separate language. The debate over Saraiki as a separate language or dialect of Punjabi is an issue which could not be resolved to date because of contrasting views of local as well as foreign linguists who have concluded that Saraiki is mutually intangible. Morphologically and Syntactically similar with Standard Punjabi and is in fact dialect of Punjabi.

Dialect speaking area

The label of Derawali is used for the dialects of Dera Ismail Khan District Dera Ghazi Khan District and Rajanpur District of Pakistani Punjab areas & Khyber Pukhtunkhawa Province of Pakistan.

Differences in Punjabi Dialects Standard (Majhi), and Southern (Derawali)

English Majhi or Standard Punjabi.

(Central Punjab of Pakistan and India)


(Southern parts of Punjab Province)

What, This Ki, Ae Keshay, Ay
How much, This much, That much Kinna, Inna, Unna Kitna, Itnna, Utnna
My, Your, His, Our, Yours, Their, Of Mayre, Tayra, Oda, Saada, Tuhada, Onaanda, Da Maydha, Taydha, Usda, Asaada, Tusada, Uninda, Da
Me, To you, Him, To it, Us, To you, Them, To Maynoo, Taynoo, Onoo, Aynoo, Saanoo, Tuhaanoo, Onaannoo, Noo Maykhoo, Taykhoo, Uskhoo, iskhoo, asaakhoo, Tusaakhoo, Uneenkooo, khoo
I am, You are, He is, We are, You are, They are (going) Mae aan, Tu ayn, O ay, Assee/Assaan aan, Tussi/Tussaan O, O nay (Jaa nda/day (plu) ) Mae haan, Tu hayn, Oo hay, Asaan haan, Tussaan ho, Oo han (Ve aynada/ay (plu) pya/ay )
I was, You were, He was, We were, You were, They were Mae saan, Tu saen, O si, Assee/Assaan saan, Tussi/Tussaan so, O sn Mae haan/m, Tu havaen, Oo hi/aa, Assaan hassay, Tussaan havaen, Oo han
I shall take, You will take, He will take, We shall take, You will take, They will take Mae lae aan ga, Tu lae ayn ga, O lae i ga, Assee lae aan gay, Tussi lae o gay, O lae aan gay Mae ghin ays aan, Tu ghin ays ayn, Oo ghin ays i, Assaan ghin ays aan, Tussaan ghin ays o, Oo ghinays n
Go, Come, Happen, Take, See Ja, Aa, Ho, Le, Vekh Vanj, Aa, Thee, Ghin, Daykh
Boy, Girl, Women, Man Munda, Kuri, Znaani/Budi, Aadmi/Banda Chohr, Chohir, Zaal, Janraa
From, A lot Toon, Bot Toon, Baon
One, Two, Nine, Ten Aek, Do, No, Das Hikk, Doo, Naa, Daah

External links


  1. Geirison: 1920