Departments of Ivory Coast

Departments of Ivory Coast
This article is part of a series on the
politics and government of
Ivory Coast
Recent history

Politics portal

Before a reorganization in 2011, the regions of Ivory Coast were divided into 81 departments (French: départements). Since 2011, the regions are divided into 107 departments.

A 1978 law created 27 self-governing Communes in Ivory Coast (Communes de plein exercice), alongside Sous-Prefectures, dividing each of the Departments. The Commune, (titled a collectivité territoriale), is administered by a Municipal Council, presided over by a Mayor. The Department (also a collectivité territoriale) is governed by a General Council (conseil général) presided over by a président. The sous-préfecture (an administrative subdivision, or a circonscription administrative déconcentrée) carries out limited functions, overseen by an appointed sous-préfet who reports to a Préfet appointed by the national government at departmental level. Thus each Department contains an elected government (a collectivité territoriale) and an administrative officer of the central government (a circonscription administrative déconcentrée). The powers of these two entities, and the administrative bodies which they control, are strictly separated under law.[1]

Currently, the first-level subdivisions of Ivory Coast are the districts, followed by the second-level subdivisions being the regions, and then by the third-level subdivisions being the departments.

Current departments

As of 2011, the following departments are listed below, by district and region:

Northern Ivory Coast

Denguélé District

Folon Region
Kabadougou Region

Savanes District

Bagoué Region
Poro Region
Tchologo Region

Zanzan District

Bounkani Region
Gontougo Region

North Central Ivory Coast

Vallée du Bandama District

Gbêkê Region
Hambol Region

Woroba District

Bafing Region
Béré Region
Worodougou Region

Southern Ivory Coast

Bas-Sassandra District

Gbôklé Region
Nawa Region
San-Pédro Region

Comoé District

Indénié-Djuablin Region
Sud-Comoé Region

Gôh-Djiboua Distict

Gôh Region
Lôh-Djiboua Region

Lagunes District

Agnéby-Tiassa Region
Grands Ponts Region
Mé Region

Abidjan Autonomous District

South Central Ivory Coast

Lacs District

Bélier Region
Iffou Region
Moronou Region
N’zi Region

Montagnes District

Cavally Region
Guémon Region
Tonkpi Region

Sassandra-Marahoué District

Haut-Sassandra Region
Marahoué Region

Yamoussoukro Autonomous District

Departments before 2011

The former departments are listed below, by region:

Agnéby Region

Bafing Region

Bas-Sassandra Region

Denguélé Region

Dix-Huit Montagnes Region

Fromager Region

Haut-Sassandra Region

Lacs Region

Lagunes Region

Marahoué Region

Moyen-Cavally Region

Moyen-Comoé Region

N'zi-Comoé Region

Savanes Region

Sud-Bandama Region

Sud-Comoé Region

Vallée du Bandama Region

Worodougou Region

Zanzan Region

See also


  1. Loi n° 78-07 du 9 janvier 1978, portant institution de communes de plein exercice en Côte d'Ivoire, J.O. n° 9 du 23 février 1978, p.348

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