Deng Wei

For the Chinese weightlifter, see Deng Wei (weightlifter).
This is a Chinese name; the family name is Deng.

Deng Wei Hon FRPS (April 13, 1959 - February 3, 2013[1]) was a Chinese portrait photographer who was a professor at Tsinghua University, China.[2] He was known for his photographic projects such as the Chinese Cultural Celebrity Portrait project, and the World Celebrities project.

Deng Wei

Early life

Deng Wei was born into an intellectual family. His grandfather, Deng Xuecen (1877-1949), was a famous traditional Chinese doctor. His father, Deng Yuwen (1917-1989), graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University in Beijing (now located on Taiwan), and was an educator and cultural scholar. During Deng Wei’s youth, he studied painting under the tutelage of Li Keran, a painter and professor at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Deng Wei also studied aesthetic theory under the tutelage of Zhu Guangqian, aesthetician and professor of Peking University. From 1978 to 1982, he studied at the Department of Photography in Beijing Film Academy. In 1982, he graduated with excellent grades and started to teach at the Beijing Film Academy.


Solo Exhibitions


Main Awards

Major Portrait Photography Works

Sir Edward Heath, Elizabeth Frank, Doris Lessing, Zbigniew Kazimierz, John Fowles, Dame Merle Florence Park, George Walker Bush, Gerald Rudolph Ford, Henry Alfred Kissinger, Milton Friedman, Pervez Musharraf, Yitzhak Rabin, Willard Van Orman Quine, Liv Ragnheim Arnesen, Desmond Mpilo Tutu, Sir James Whyte Black, Ronald Wilson Reagan, Christo Claude, Walter Scheel, Mary Robinson, Cyril Northcote Parkinson, Leon N Cooper, Robert Charles Venturi, Pan Shou, Sir Tom Stoppard, Antony Hewish, Yousuf Karsh, Lee Kuan Yew, Edmund Percival Hillary, Sir William Gerald Golding, Baruch Samuel Blumberg, Mainza Mathias Chona, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, Ilya Viscount Prigogine, Sir John Robert Vane, David Russell Lange, Georges Charpak, Alain Bienaymé, Frederick Sanger, wendy taylor, Gillian Ayres, Jean-Louis Curtis, John Fowles, Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, Sir Alan Acykbourn, George Pratt Shultz, Shiing-shen Chern, Pierre Werner, Mary Quant, Leonard James Callaghan, Arpad Goncz, Václav Havel, Sir Tom Stoppard, Stephen Jay Gould, Jean-Luc Dehaene, Jean-Claude Juncker, Robert James Lee Hawke, Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Schmidt, Manfred Eigen, Frederick Sanger, Edward Franklin Albee, Martin Brian Mulroney, Frederick Jacob Titus Chiluba, James Earl Carter, Chaim Herzog, John Malcolm Fraser, Alekos Fassianos, Natalia Mela, Mariza Koch, Eirini Papa, Marc Riboud, Paul Andreu, Daniel Buren, Irina Bokova, Luc Montagnier, Jean Reno, Dominique de Villepin, Pierre Henri, John Berger, Christopher Francis Patten.

Chinese: Liang Shuming, Ye Shengtao, Feng Naichao, Bing Xin, Wang Zhaowen, Zong Baihua, Ji Xian|in, Cai Yi, Shen Congwen, Yu Pingbo, Yu Zhenfei, Ch'ien Chung-shu, Yang Jiang, Fei Xiaotong, Ai Qing, Ding Ling, Guo Shaoyu, Fung Yu-lan, Ba Jin, Ye Qianyu, Cheng Fangwu, Zhu Guangqian, Cao Yu, Wang Li, Jiang Zhaohe, Wang Geyi, Xiao Qian, Yao Xueyin, Yu Ling, Liu Kaiqu, Guan Shanyue, Wu Yinxian, Wu Guanzhong, Wu Zuoren, Li Keran, Liao Bingxiong, Xiao Jun, Nie Gannu, Yan Wenliang, Mao Dun, Zhao Puchu, Guan Liang, Li Xiongcai, Cheng Shifa, Shi Lu, Zhang Ding, Zhu Jizhan, Lu Shuxiang, Xiao Yan, Zhou Yang, Qian Songyan, Li Kuchan, Huang Zhou, Aisin-Gioro Pujie, Qi Gong, Fei Xinweo, Lu Yanshao, Sha Menghai, Qin Mu, Rong Geng, Cheng Fangwu, Yang Xianyi, Zhou Ruchang, Chen Daisun, Jin Yuelin, Hou Wailu, Hou Renzhi, Deng Guangming, Bian Zhilin, Leoh-Ming Pei, Chen-Ning Yang, Tsung-Dao Lee, Yuan Tseh Lee, Wu Liangyong, Ouyang Zhongshi, A Lai, Zao Wou Ki, Zhong Nanshan, Pu Cunxin, Yuan Longping, Jackie Chen, Zhang Chaoyang, Yang Liwei, Yao Ming, etc.


  1. 著名摄影师邓伟辞世 明日八宝山为其送行
  2. Deng wei: Professor of Tsinghua University
  3. 3.0 3.1 Worldcat, Collections of Chinese Cultural Celebrity
  4. 4.0 4.1 Sacrificed Youth’s Stills and Award
  5. The Big Picture,China Daily 2007.05.08.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Art Event to Show Big Names
  7. 视频:我为世界名人拍照
  8. 人民网:邓伟眼中的世界名人
  9. 柯达专业市场:邓伟眼中的世界名人
  10. Deng wei and his tutor Li Keran
  11. 新华社:邓伟摄影艺术展在深圳举行
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 外交部:中国常驻联合国代表王光亚大使夫妇出席“和平使者肖像”摄影展开幕式
  13. 中国新闻网:中国摄影家邓伟在联合国举办摄影展
  14. 国际在线:访在联合国开办摄影展的中国摄影家邓伟
  15. The Royal Photographic Society 2007, Deng Wei: Wind from China
  16. 16.0 16.1 Wind from China, perface by Professor Ralph Jacobson ASIS Hon FRPS
  17. 新华网:中国摄影家邓伟在英国摄影界刮起“中国风”
  18. Royal Photographic Society President attended the opening of Professor Deng Wei’s FRPS Exhibition “In Pursuit of Sunlight” in the National Art Museum in Beijing
  19. The Big Picture,China Daily 2007.05.08, 2007
  20. Deng wei donates 100 images to the nation
  21. 访谈摄影家邓伟:我把宝贵的青春交付给等待?, 2007年7 月
  22. 爱琴海的太阳展览:人民网
  23. 国务院新闻办公室
  24. 人民网
  25. Deng wei donates 100 images to the National Art Museum of China
  26. Joint Publishing Co. (HK)
  27. 27.0 27.1 Zhejiang Photographic Press
  28. 人民网:七十七位世界名人将聚首中国美术馆,2001年
  29. 互动百科《我眼中的世界名人--邓伟日记》
  30. 30.0 30.1 江西美术出版社
  31. 邓伟摄影作品欣赏
  32. 32.0 32.1 重庆出版社
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Portrait Books of World-famous Figures Released, 2004,
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 Photographer tells of snapping famed figures, 2004, news Guangdong
  35. 35.0 35.1 China Intercontinental Press
  36. The Royal Photographic Society
  37. CCTV邓 伟《我拍钱钟书》,央视国际 2005年06月15日
  38. 中国摄影家协会网
  39. 中国青年网:中国美术馆 邓伟捐赠作品展开幕
  40. People’s Education Press
  41. 人民网:《学画记》:跟李可染学画,学到尊崇
  42. 山东画报出版社
  43. China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing House
  44. Tianjin Yang Liu Qing Fine Arts Press
  45. 《北京人》摄影画册被国家图书馆和首都博物馆永久收藏
  46. 新华网
  47. Beijing Publishing House(Group)
  48. Sacrificed Youth (Qingchun ji)
  49. 时光网《青春祭》
  50. 中国摄影金像奖情况简介
  51. The Royal Photographic Society Honorary Fellowships,2007
  52. 新华网:中国摄影师英国获荣誉高级会士衔
  53. 中国新闻网:中国摄影家邓伟获颁英皇家摄影学会奖项
  54. 希腊索菲奖官网
  55. 希腊索菲奖新华网报道
  56. 希腊索菲奖国务院新闻办公室
  57. PPA获奖报道中国摄影家协会网
  58. Prof. Deng Wei received an honorary doctoral degree in Greece, Tsinghua University News Events
  59. 中国摄影家获希腊雅典大学荣誉博士, 人民网
  60. China Daily

External links