Den of Thieves (book)

Den of Thieves

Softcover edition
Author James B. Stewart
Country United States
Language English
Subject Law
Genre Non-fiction
Publisher Simon & Schuster
Publication date
Media type Softcover
Pages 592 pp.
ISBN 0-671-79227-X
Preceded by Prosecutors
Followed by Club der Diebe

Den of Thieves is a 1992 non-fiction bestselling work by Pulitzer prize-winning writer James B. Stewart.


The book recounts the insider trading scandals involving Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken, and other Wall Street financiers in the United States during the 1980s such as Martin Siegel, Dennis Levine, Robert Freeman, Richard Wigton, Timothy Tabor, John A. Mulheren, Lowell Milken, Robert Wilkis, and others. There have been eight editions as of 2008.[1][2]

Intertwining the stories of financiers, bankers, lawyers, and the law enforcement officials who pursued them, Den of Thieves tells a tale of arrogance and complacency amongst the Wall Street elite. As leveraged buyouts and takeovers proliferated in the heady 1980s, information on which companies were being targeted became ever more valuable. The stock price of companies could rise enormously on rumors of a potential takeover. Those who were privy to that information before it became public could make huge sums of money. Stewart shows how some of the biggest names in American financial history were involved in one of the greatest insider-trading schemes ever and how their exposure and punishment sent shock waves through corporate America.

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