Democratic Way

Democratic Way
Founded 1995
Headquarters Immeuble 70, Rue Max Guedj N°12, Casablanca, Morocco
Newspaper Jarida Anahj
Ideology Marxism,
Political position Left-wing
Colours Red, Yellow
Annahj Addimocrati
Politics of Morocco
Political parties

Democratic Way (Arabic: النهج الديمقراطي, French: La Voie Democratique) is a Marxist legal political party in Morocco.[1]

History and profile

Since 2004, when the party was legalized by the Moroccan State, its Secretary General is Abdallah El Harif. It has around 50 local sections in Morocco, as well as European branches for Moroccan immigrantss in Spain, France, Italy and Belgium.

Constituted in 1995 by members of the clandestine organization "Ila Al Amame" (Forward), integrated also sympathizers of the Marxist–Leninist Moroccan movement (MLMM). Ila Al-Amam, created in 1970 by dissidents of the short-lived Party of Liberation and Socialism (former Moroccan Communist Party), was the object of heavy repression by the Moroccan authorities; thousands of militants were imprisoned (the majority receiving ten-year prison sentences); others, such as Abdellatif Zeroual, one of the founders of Ila Al Amame, died in torture centres or during the hunger strikes started in prison in order to take advantage of their rights (Saïda Menebhi for example); others disappeared without the truth on their fate being known.[2]

The first national congress of the Democratic Way was held on 16 to 18 July 2004, whereas that of the youth of the Democratic Way ("Chabibat Annahj Addimocrati") was held on 22 to 24 December 2006 at the Mehdi Ben Barka Hall of Rabat. The second congress was held on July 2008, and the third national congress of the party is scheduled for 13, 14 and 15 July 2012 in Casablanca.

In 2004 the party formed an alliance with Loyalty to Democracy party, the Unified Socialist Left (GSU), the Party of the Socialist Vanguard (PADS), and the National Ittihad Congress (CNI).[3]

The main objective of the Democratic Way is the construction of socialism, with a democratic society that put an end to capitalism and the human exploitation. The party criticize the "illusions of alternance", referring to the presence of the Socialist Union of Popular Forces, until then the main opposition party, at the 1998 Moroccan government. Democratic Way had boycotted all the elections held since its creation (as other Moroccan parties had done in the past, for example the National Union of Popular Forces between 1972 and 2005), as they do not consider then free, neither the Moroccan regime as democratic.

The Democratic Way is present in a number of causes, movements and struggles:[4]

Since its first appearances, Democratic Way had supported the demonstrations of the February 20 Movement. On April 2011, Democratic Way rejected the official formula for reforming the Moroccan constitution, and called for the strengthening and consolidation of mobilization and to continue the struggle for a democratic regime.

The militants of Democratic Way are present in the two principal trade unions in Morocco (the Moroccan Union of Workers - UMT, and the Democratic Confederation of Work - CDT), as well as non-governmental organisations such as the Moroccan Association for Human Rights, Attac-Morocco, the National Association of Unemployed Graduates in Morocco (ANDCM) and the women rights movement.

The Democratic Way commemorate every 5 December, the "Day of the Martyrs", remembering members of Il Al-Amame killed by security forces and the ones who died in prison by torture or in hunger strikes during the "Years of lead" of Hassan II.


  1. Michael J. Willis (2012). Politics and Power in the Maghreb: Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco from Independence to the Arab Spring. Hurst Publishers. p. 152. ISBN 978-1-84904-200-0. Retrieved 11 October 2014.
  2. "Tangier: Meet Abdellah El Harif on transfers of current policies in Morocco". Sahara Press Service (BEEB). 18 August 2011. Retrieved 28 May 2012.
  3. "Five Moroccan parties announce new 'leftwing hub'". Middle East Online. 3 February 2004. Retrieved 10 October 2014.
  4. "Présentation d’Annahj Addimocrati" (in French). Retrieved 28 May 2012.

External links