Deeply Regretted By...

Deeply Regretted By...
Written by Maeve Binchy
Starring Joan O'Hara,
Donall Farmer
Original language(s) English

Deeply Regretted By... is a 1978 television play starring Joan O'Hara and Donall Farmer, with the script being written by Maeve Binchy.[1] The movie is based upon the Binchy story Death of Kilburn that ran in The Irish Times and deals with issues of bigamy and emigration.[2]


Deeply Regretted By... follows an unnamed London widow who discovers that her marriage was a sham and that her Irish "husband" had deep secrets that he had been keeping from her.

Awards and honours

Deeply Regretted By... won two Jacob's Awards for Binchy's script and Farmer's performance. Binchy also won the Best Script Award at the Prague Film Festival.[3]


  1. "Fair City actress Joan O'Hara dies". RTÉ Ten (RTÉ). 24 July 2007. Retrieved 24 July 2007.
  2. "Maeve Binchy: Life". Ricorso.
  3. "People: Another gong for Maeve's mantelpiece". Irish Independent (Independent News & Media). 16 January 2007. Retrieved 16 January 2007.

External links