Deep Blue C

The Deep Blue C (DBC) is one of the few C compilers for the Atari 8 bit. John H. Palevich is the author of this compiler. The syntax supported by DBC is close to the ANSI C with significant limitations.


The following language constructs are not supported:[1]

Other non-standard properties of Deep Blue C:

Sample program

The exemplary program writes the "Hello World!" message on the user screen.[2]

   printf("Hello World!");


The DBC compiler does not create the native executable for 6502 processor but intermediate code called C-code. The C-code is then executed by C-code interpreter.[1] According to Atari 8-bit FAQ the DBC creates binary code for Intel 8080 processor and then executed by 8080 virtual machine.[3] It has some similarities to today's Java platform and it is also the main cause of low performance of DBC-created code.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Deep Blue C documentation at Atari Archives
  2. W. Zientara, "Jezyki programowania Atari cz.2", SOETO, Warsaw, 1989
  3. Atari 8-bit FAQ