
Dedoose is a web application for mixed methods research developed by academics from UCLA, with support from the William T. Grant Foundation, and is the successor to EthnoNotes.

Dedoose is designed, developed, and operated by SocioCultural Research Consultants (SCRC), whose majority of ownership (e.g. 2 people) consists of academics from UCLA.[1]

Dedoose is an alternative to other qualitative data analysis software, explicitly aimed at facilitating rigorous mixed methods research. It has become a key tool used by researchers funded by the William T. Grant Foundation, including among those in its Faculty Scholars Program.[2][3] Dedoose and EthnoNotes have gained recognized for their integration of qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods in combination with interactive data visualizations.[4] The Dedoose family of tools have been used in a wide variety of studies in many industries from medical,[5] market research,[6] social policy research,[7] and other academic social science research[8]

System Crash

On May 6, 2014, Dedoose suffered a major system failure, resulting in the corruption and loss of significant amounts of data and service availability problems. All accounts created after March 2 and all data added after March 30 were erased. Data added to the system in March by existing users was restored to Dedoose on May 16.[9][10] According to SCRC, the system crash involved a failure of its Microsoft Azure cloud services during a database backup. SCRC took full responsibility for the crash and pledged "to do all we can to help rebuild any project if there are tangible ways we can assist."[11][12][13]

Dedoose Interface

See also


  2. [
  3. Lieber, E., & Weisner T. S. (2010). Meeting the Practical Challenges of Mixed Methods Research. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research 2nd Ed., (pp. 559-611). Thousand Oaks, CA; SAGE Publications.
  4. Lieber, E., Weisner, T. S., & Presley, M. (2003). EthnoNotes: An Internet-Based Field Note Management Tool. Field Methods, 15(4), 405-425.
  5. Hay, M. C., Weisner, T. S., Subramanian, S., Duan, N., Niedzinski, E. J., & Kravitz, R. L. (2008). Harnessing experience: Exploring the gap between evidence-based medicine and clinical practice. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 14, 707-713.
  6. Rohm, A. J., Milne, G. R., & McDonald, M. A. (2006). A mixed-method approach for developing market segmentation typologies in the sports industry. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 15, 29-39.
  7. ,Briggs, Xavier de Souza, & Turner, Margery Austin (2006). Assisted housing mobility and the success of low-income minority families: Lessons for policy, practice, and future research. Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, 1 (1), 25-61.
  8. Weisner, T. S., Bernheimer, L. P., Lieber, E., Gibson, C., Howard, E., Magnuson, K., Romich, J., Syam, D., Espinosa, V., & Chmielewski, E. (1999) Understanding better the lives of poor families: Ethnographic and survey studies of the New Hope experiment. Poverty Research News, 4(1), 10-12.
  9. SCRC letter from Executive Team, Eli Lieber, Thomas Weisner, and Jason Taylor
  10. Dedoose Update—Recovered Data to be Merged Tonight! , Dedoose blog, May 16, 2014
  11. Dedoose’s Black Eye, Crash, and Recovery Efforts, Dedoose blog, May 9, 2014
  12. Facebook comment from Dedoose, May 9, 2014
  13. Hazards of the Cloud: Data-Storage Service’s Crash Sets Back Researchers, Steve Kolowich, Chronicle of Higher Education, May 12, 2014

External links