Decennium Dum Expletur

Decenium Dum Expletur (September 1, 1949, is an Apostolic Letter of Pope Pius XII to the bishops of Poland about the suffering of the Polish People. [1]

The Pontiff describes his peace policies before World War Two, aimed at avoidance of the war. “Nothing is lost with peace, everything may be lost with war”. We tried everything with all means at our disposal to prevent the taking up of arms and to seek an honourable solution for all sides. [2]

The Pope continues, that, while the German occupation and war have ended, the Church has not regained its rightful freedom, which is lamentable, in light of her many assistances to the Polish nation during the war. The time of persecution is not over. He reminds the bishops on the glorious Polish history, rich with heroism but also with pain and suffering. But in thousand years of Christianity, the Polish people never became unfaithful to Jesus Christ and his Church. He hopes that the many Polish sacrifices will eventually lead to the peace of Christ and material well being for this great nation. [4] He concludes with his Apostolic Blessing "to this great nation, which We love so dearly".


Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Roma, Vaticano, 1939-1949


  1. AAS 1949, 450
  2. AAS, 1939 478
  3. AAS 1949, 451
  4. AAS 1949, 451