Debugmode Wax

Developer(s) Debugmode
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Type Video editing software
License Freeware

Debugmode Wax (2.0e is the current revision) is a freeware video editor which can be used in a variety of fashions. Wax developed into a highly independent video compositing software with rotomate, a chroma keyer and light values chart.

Below is a table of Wax changes and advantages:

Version Significant Changes Screen Shot
1.1 First version of Wax, made for integration with WinMorph, and is only able to create basic effects with WinMorph and other plugins such as fades, color effects and audio effects (which were dropped in version 1.5) Wax 1.1 as a plugin
1.5 Debugmode began to experiment with features, and began a strain of effects, close to releasing the 'Chroma Keyer' Effect Wax 1.5 within Sony Vegas video editor

When you use wax for the first time there are a few things to note: Wax (Wax video editor) can only import and export .avi files files. When importing files media files Wax automatically separates the audio and video into two different elements; not affecting the original file. To better help in maintaining organization within your project, right click the folder icon under (media bin) and select add folder. name the folder and you can drag and drop video files into the folder. this file hierarchy will be saved to the project file.

When you insert videos into the track editing system there may be a black area either to the sides or the top and bottom of the viewport. to get rid of these open up the project drop down menu and select "settings" adjust the height and width of the project to either be the same height and width as the video, or adjust it so that it is the same aspect ratio.

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