Deaf studies

This article is about studies of fine arts and humanities, high culture, integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior and set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an Deaf-related institution, organization or group. For teaching Deaf students, see Education for the deaf. For education of the deaf, trainings for deaf educators, see Deaf education. For auditory-related medical conditions, see hearing impairment.

Deaf Studies are academic disciplines concerned with the study of the deaf social life of human groups and individuals including anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, social studies, and sociology. The Deaf studies comprise the scientific study of the deaf-related aspects of the world.[1]

Deaf studies includes the study of:

University-based deaf studies centers

National and transnational Deaf studies centers

Deaf studies associations

Deaf-related major projects

See also
