Dead Souls Mudlib

Dead Souls is a MUD library (mudlib), a software infrastructure for creating a text-based virtual world. It is classed in the following versions:

Version differences

The difference between versions 1.1 and 2.x is dramatic, in that as released, 1.1 was exceptionally difficult to implement without a great deal of MudOS, LPC, and Nightmare-specific experience. The 2.x versions are marked by their user-friendliness, ease of use and implementation, and new, simple systems for world-creation. The attempt to widen the usability and appeal of Dead Souls is seen in its introduction of a version designed for Microsoft Windows.

Dead Souls 2 experienced a surge in popularity in 2006 and as of October 2006 it is the mudlib with most entries on *yatmim, an intermud-3 router.

In September 2006, a Dead Souls support forum opened on, providing users with a central location to seek advice and news on the mudlib and its development.

External links