De Candolle system

De Candolle's first taxonomic system appeared as Flore française (1805–1815) in 5 volumes dealing with those species found in France.

A subsequent taxonomic system, the de Candolle system was originally published in :

A. P. de Candolle (1819) [1813]. Théorie élémentaire de la botanique, ou exposition des principes de la classification naturelle et de l’art de décrire et d’etudier les végétaux (2nd ed.).

and followed up by the very extensive Prodromus:

A. P. de Candolle et al. (1824–1873). Prodromus systemati naturalis regni vegetabilis sive enumeratio contracta ordinum, generum specierumque plantarum huc usque cognitarum, juxta methodi naturalis normas digesta. (also available online at Gallica)

The system recognises the following groups of vascular plants:

Théorie élémentaire de la botanique

Taxonomy p.213


List of families in the Prodromus, arranged according to this de Candolle system. Note that this system was published well before there were internationally accepted rules for botanical nomenclature. Here, a family is indicated as "ordo". Terminations for families are not what they are now. Neither of these phenomena is a problem from a nomenclatural perspective: the ICBN provides for this.

Within the dicotyledons ("classis prima DICOTYLEDONEÆ") the system recognises (Pagination from Prodromus, 17 Parts) :

Subclassis I. THALAMIFLORÆ [Part I]

(Index to Part I p. 741)

Subclassis II. CALYCIFLORÆ [Parts II - VII]

Subclassis III. COROLLIFLORÆ [Parts VIII - XIII(1)]

Subclassis IV. MONOCHLAMYDEÆ [Parts XIII(2) - XVI]


Somewhat inconsistently the Prodromus also treats:

(Overall Index Part XVII Page 323)
