Davis Croghan

Davis George Croghan, D.D. The first Archdeacon of Bloemfontein,[1] and Provost of the Cathedral.[2] Born 10 July 1832 in Ireland, died 21 November 1890 in South Africa.

Dr. Croghan was a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin. He arrived in Bloemfontein on 28 February 1867, but left on 6 March 1887, in part because of the relatively harsh winters in the Orange Free State, and became Dean of Grahamstown.[3]


  1. Mandy Goedhals (2008). "Nuns, Guns and Nursing: An Anglican Sisterhood and Imperial Wars in South Africa 1879 – 1902". Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae. XXXIV (1): 335–357.
  2. Patrick Comerford (2009). "Anglo Catholicism Relevant after 175 years?". Retrieved 2013-09-24.
  3. Iain MacFarlaine (2008). "Rev Davis George Croghan". Find A Grave. Retrieved 2013-09-24.