David Paul Kuhn
David Paul Kuhn is an author and political commentator. He is the Chief Political Correspondent for RealClearPolitics and a senior political writer for Politico.com. Previously he held the position of Senior Political Writer at CBS. His work has appeared in many other news outlets including The Washington Post, Salon.com, the Huffington Post, and the Wall Street Journal. Kuhn's book, The Neglected Voter, received wide praise. General Wesley Clark said the book was a "brilliantly insightful analysis of American politics at the national level". Kuhn was educated at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire and got his start in news as an intern at Time Magazine. Kuhn regularly appears on C-SPAN, Fox News, CNN and other news shows to discuss politics.
- Author page at RealClearPolitics
- Author page at The Huffington Post
- Alumni success stories University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
External links
- The Gospel According to Jim Wallis Washington Post article by Kuhn - November 26, 2006