David Conyers

David Conyers
Born 30 May 1971
Sydney, Australia
Occupation Writer
Nationality Australian
Period mid 2000s-present
Genre Science fiction, horror

David Conyers (born Sydney, Australia, 30 May 1971) is an Australian author. Conyers writes predominantly science fiction and Lovecraftian horror.

Most of his childhood was spent in the Adelaide Hills, before moving to Melbourne. There he achieved a bachelor's degree in civil engineering at the University of Melbourne in 1993. After several years working on remote outback construction sites in Western Australia, and extensive travel in Africa and Europe in 1995, he settled back in Melbourne taking up a career in marketing and corporate communications. He moved to Adelaide in 2005 where he now lives with his wife and daughter.

David published his first professional story Vanishing Curves in the Book of Dark Wisdom in 2004 and his first novel, The Spiraling Worm co-authored with United States horror writer John Sunseri, was published by Chaosium in 2007. The novel went on to receive an Honourable Mention for Best Australian Horror Novel in the 12th Annual Aurealis Award and the 2007 Australian Shadows Award.

His science fiction short stories have been nominated for the Aurealis Award, the Australian Shadows Award, the Ditmar Award and the Aeon Award, the last presented by the Irish speculative fiction magazine Albedo One. In 2007 he won the Australian Horror Writers Association's Flash Fiction Award for his story Homo Canis and in 2011 won the Short Story category for the same award for Winds of Nzambi co-authored with David Kernot.

Recurring themes in David's work includes human rights abuse, totalitarianism, self-identity, and self-actualization.

Between 2004 and 2007, David was the Associate Editor of the Book of Dark Wisdom. At the same time he was writing and editing role-playing games, predominately for the Call of Cthulhu setting, based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft and published by Chaosium Inc. He is currently a reviews editor and interviewer with Albedo One.


The Harrison Peel series

Modern day Lovecraftian horror novel series set in the world of spies, government conspiracies and cosmic monsters.

Edited anthologies

Anthology appearances

Selected magazine appearances


External links