David A. Stotter

Dr. David A. Stotter is a philatelist who, in 2008, was awarded the Crawford Medal by the Royal Philatelic Society London for his book The British Post Office Service in Morocco 1907-57.[1]

Selected publications

Both hardbound books are available from the Postal History Society, the former at £45 and the latter at £49 each plus P & P. Contact Hugh Feldman, www.postalhistory.org.uk. The loose leaf book, currently containing five chapters, is available from the GB Overprints Society at £35 plus P & P. Contact Tony Stanford, www.gbos.org.uk

David is married to Felisa with two young children and lives in England.


  1. The Society's medals and honorary fellowship. London: The Royal Philatelic Society London, 2009, p. 5.

External links