Data management

Data management comprises all the disciplines related to managing data as a valuable resource.


The official definition provided by DAMA International, the professional organization for those in the data management profession, is: "Data Resource Management is the development and execution of architectures, policies, practices and procedures that properly manage the full data lifecycle needs of an enterprise." This definition is fairly broad and encompasses a number of professions which may not have direct technical contact with lower-level aspects of data management, such as relational database management.

Alternatively, the definition provided in the DAMA Data Management Body of Knowledge (DAMA-DMBOK) is: "Data management is the development, execution and supervision of plans, policies, programs and practices that control, protect, deliver and enhance the value of data and information assets."[1]

The concept of "Data Management" arose in the 1980s as technology moved from sequential processing (first cards, then tape) to random access processing. Since it was now technically possible to store a single fact in a single place and access that using random access disk, those suggesting that "Data Management" was more important than "Process Management" used arguments such as "a customer's home address is stored in 75 (or some other large number) places in our computer systems." During this period, random access processing was not competitively fast, so those suggesting "Process Management" was more important than "Data Management" used batch processing time as their primary argument. As applications moved more and more into real-time, interactive applications, it became obvious to most practitioners that both management processes were important. If the data was not well defined, the data would be mis-used in applications. If the process wasn't well defined, it was impossible to meet user needs.

Corporate Data Quality Management

Corporate Data Quality Management (CDQM) is, according to the European Foundation for Quality Management and the Competence Center Corporate Data Quality (CC CDQ, University of St. Gallen), the whole set of activities intended to improve corporate data quality (both reactive and preventive). Main premise of CDQM is the business relevance of high-quality corporate data. CDQM comprises with following activity areas:[2]

Topics in Data Management

Topics in Data Management, grouped by the DAMA DMBOK Framework,[3] include:

  1. Data governance
  2. Data Architecture, Analysis and Design
  3. Database Management
    • Data maintenance
    • Database administration
    • Database management system
  4. Data Security Management
  5. Data Quality Management
  6. Reference and Master Data Management
  7. Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Management
  8. Document, Record and Content Management
  9. Meta Data Management
  10. Contact Data Management

Body of Knowledge

The DAMA Guide to the Data Management Body of Knowledge" (DAMA-DMBOK Guide), under the guidance of a new DAMA-DMBOK Editorial Board. This publication is available from April 5, 2009.


In modern management usage, one can easily discern a trend away from the term 'data' in composite expressions to the term information or even knowledge when talking in non-technical context. Thus there exists not only data management, but also information management and knowledge management. This is a misleading trend as it obscures that traditional data are managed or somehow processed on second looks. The distinction between data and derived values can be seen in the information ladder. While data can exist as such, 'information' and 'knowledge' are always in the "eye" (or rather the brain) of the beholder and can only be measured in relative units.3

Integrated data management

Integrated data management (IDM) is a tools approach to facilitate data management and improve performance. IDM consists of an integrated, modular environment to manage enterprise application data, and optimize data-driven applications over its lifetime.[4][5][6][7] IDM's purpose is to

Consistently achieve service level targets

Support business growth

Facilitate alignment, consistency and governance

See also


  1. "DAMA-DMBOK Guide (Data Management Body of Knowledge) Introduction & Project Status"
  2. "EFQM ; IWI-HSG: EFQM Framework for Corporate Data Quality Management. Brussels : EFQM Press, 2011."
  3. "DAMA-DMBOK Functional Framework v3"
  4. Integrated Data Management: Managing data across its lifecycle by Holly Hayes
  5. Organizations thrive on Data by Eric Naiburg
  6. Fragmented Management Across The Data Life Cycle Increases Cost And Risk - A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of IBM October 2008
  7. ntegrated IBM Data Management information center.

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