Data Transport Utility

The Data Transport Utility (DTU) is a software product developed by I/Gear that allows for the collection and distribution of information to virtually any device or system. It is the only tool capable of integrating shop-floor devices, MES systems, and Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems all within a single software package. This through a simple "point-and-click" interface eliminating the need of writing custom software. It is typically used to build higher level applications for error-proofing (a.k.a. Poka-yoke), part tracking, notification, and traceability.

The DTU accomplishes this by connecting to a number of industry standard communication protocols such as Modbus, OLEDB, OLE for process control (OPC), SMTP (E-mail), TCP/IP, Telnet, Web Service, and many others.

The DTU is used in primarily in the manufacturing sector to allow users to connect all their shop floor systems (programmable logic controllers (PLCs), bar code scanners, marquee displays, weigh scales, torque guns, etc.) together and allow for managed communication between them.

I/Gear also allows users to connect these devices to business level systems like enterprise resource planning systems, databases and e-mail servers for data collection, notification, and analysis. Though mostly used by automotive manufacturers and their suppliers, it is also used in paper, food and beverage, and other discrete manufacturing industries.


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