Data Documentation Initiative
The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an international project to create a standard for information describing statistical and social science data (i.e., metadata). Begun in 1995, the effort brings together data professionals from around the world to develop the standard. The DDI specification, written in XML, provides a format for content, exchange, and preservation of information. Version 3.2 of the DDI standard was released in 2014.[1] DDI fills a need related to the challenge of storing and distributing social science metadata, due to the ubiquity of proprietary file formats and no international standard for the design of codebooks. Version 2 of the DDI standard has been implemented in the Dataverse data repository and the data archives of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.
Member Institutions[2]
Institution | Abbr. | Country |
University of Alberta | Canada | |
University of California | UCDATA | US |
Centro De Investigaciones Sociológicas | CIS | Spain |
Cornell University | CISER | US |
Danish Data Archive | DDA | Denmark |
Data Archiving and Networked Services | DANS | Netherlands |
Finnish Social Science Data Archive | Finland | |
German Socio-Economic Panel Study | SOEP | Germany |
GESIS_–_Leibniz_Institute_for_the_Social_Sciences | GESIS | Germany |
University of Guelph | ||
Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University | IQSS | US |
Institute for the Study of Labor | IZA | Germany |
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research | ICPSR | US |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | MIT | US |
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Population Center | MPC | US |
Norwegian Social Science Data Services | NSD | Norway |
Open Data Foundation | ||
Princeton University | US | |
Research Data Centre of the German Federal Employment Agency, Institute for Employment Research | IAB | Germany |
Roper Center for Public Opinion Research | US | |
Stanford University | US | |
Survey Research Operations, University of Michigan | US | |
Swedish National Data Service | SND | Sweden |
Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences | FORS | Swiss |
United Kingdom Data Archive | UKHLS/BHPS | UK |
University of Toronto Scholars Portal | Canada | |
University of Washington, Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology | CSDE | US |
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Associate Member) | US | |
World Bank, Development Data Group | DECDG | US |
See also
External links
- DDI Project