
The Dasatir-i-Asmani is a work of the Zoroastrian sect of ishraqiyyun or the Illuminationists, written in an invented language.[1] Most scholars consider it to have been authored by Azar Kayvan, the leader of the Illuminationists, in the period of the Mughal ruler Akbar (16th-17th century).[2][3]

It contains fifteen sections which are said to have been revealed to fifteen successive prophets, the first of whom is Mahabad and the last Sasan. At the end of each section, with the exception of the last one, there is a prophecy about the next prophet. The description of the beliefs of the Illuminationists found in the Dabestan-e Mazaheb is thought to be influenced by this book.

The text as well as a translation of it into the old Dari dialect of Persian language is supposed to have been discovered in Persia in the late 18th century by Mulla Kavus of Bombay, and was edited by his son Mulla Firuz. The text claims that the Dari translation was made by a prophet named Sasan the Fifth, who lived at the time of Khosrau II (590-628 A.D.), but the linguistic characteristics of the Persian indicate that it was written in the 16th-17th centuries.[2]


  1. http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/dasatir
  2. 2.0 2.1 Encyclopaedia Iranica:Dasatir (FATḤ-ALLĀH MOJTABAʾĪ, 1994)
  3. Dhalla, M.N. 1938. History of Zoroastrianism, 463

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