Darvaz (region)


On this map Darvaz (not labeled) is located within the Emirate of Bukhara (pink) by the border with Badakhshan (green).
Capital Qal'ai Khumb
Government Emirate
 -  Collapse of Timurid dynasty 1526
 -  Conquered by the Emirate of Bukhara 1878
Today part of  Tajikistan

Darvaz (Tajik: Дарвоз/Persian: درواز /dærwɒːz/), alternatively spelt Darwaz, Darvoz, or Darwoz, was an independent principality until the 19th century, ruled by a mir and its capital was at Kalai-Khumb.[1] The kingdom controlled territory on the left and right banks of the Oxus River. In 1878 Darvaz was invaded by neighboring Bukhara and absorbed into the Bukharan Emirate. In 1895 the left bank of Darvaz was transferred to Afghanistan as part of a border agreement. In the 1920s the portion of Darvaz located in the Tajikistan Soviet Socialist Republic in the Soviet Union was assigned to the Gharm Oblast. When the Gharm Oblast was dissolved in 1955, Darvaz became part of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast.

Today, the northern half of Darvaz is the Darvoz district in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province in Tajikistan (Kalai-Khumb is now the district capital). The southern half of Darvaz is the Darwaz district in Badakhshan Province in Afghanistan. They are connected by the Tajik-Afghan Friendship Bridge, a permanent overland link that carries commercial and passenger traffic. The bridge was opened in July, 2004.[2] Darwaz District in Afghanistan has a population of approximately 21,000 after sub-division in 2005 which led to the formation of Districts Nusay District, Maimay District, and Shekay District, was.


  1. Seymour Becker. Russia’s Protectorates in Central Asia: Bukhara and Khiva, 1865-1924. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1968.
  2. "Press Release: Darwaz Bridge to strengthen commercial ties and Tajik-Afghan relations". Retrieved 2006-12-09.