Dars-i Nizami

Dars-i Nizami (Urdu: درسِ نظامی) is a study curriculum used in traditional Islamic institutions known as Dar'ul Ulooms, which although originated as an indian subcontinental phenomena, can now be found in parts of South Africa, Canada, United States, the Caribbean and the UK (http://www.minsid.com/Links.html).

The founder of the Dars=e-Nizame was Mulla Nizam Uddin from the Farnghi Mahall family, after who the Dars-e-Nizame was named (Robinson, 2001: p72). The family trace their lineage back to Ayub Al Ansari the companion of Muhammed (Robinson, 2001, p2).

The Dars-e-Nizamde curriculum originally involved a mixture of aqli (rational) and naqli (traditional textual) sciences, however due to various factors such as colonialism, the onset of secularism, the call for a return to the Quran and Sunnah, the current Dars-e-Nizame concentrates specifically on the naqli sciences such as Tafseer, hadeeth, Uloom al Quran, tajweed, Aqeedah, fiqh and Arabic. (Halstead)

See also


Nezamiyeh Al-Nizamiyya of Baghdad

Further reading