Darksong is a Parallel universe fantasy novel by Isobelle Carmody. The sequel of Darkfall, it is the second book in the Legendsong Saga. Conceived and written while Carmody was living in Prague, it was published by Viking books in 2002,[1] and Penguin in 2003.[2] The third book in the trilogy is as yet unpublished.
External links
| Short stories |
- "Roaches" (Into the Future, 1991)
- "Long Live the Giant!" (The Lottery: Nine Science Fiction Stories, 1994)
- "A Splinter of Darkness" (Dark House, 1995)
- "Green Monkey Dreams" (Green Monkey Dreams, 1995)
- "The Keystone" (Dream Weavers, 1996)
- "The Man Who Lost His Shadow (Dreaming Down-Under, 1998)
- "Guinevere, or the Sleeping of Beauty" (The Road to Camelot, 2002)
- "The Dove Game" (Gathering the Bones, 2003)
- "Santorini" (Kids' Night In 2, 2005)
- "Perchance to Dream" (Dreaming Again, 2008)
- "The Stranger" (Exotic Gothic 2, 2009)
| Collections |
- Green Monkey Dreams (1996)
- This Way Out: Five Plays (1998)
- Metro Winds (May 2012)
| Picture books |
- Dreamwalker (2000)
- Wildheart (2002)
- Journey From the Centre of the Earth (2003)
- The Wrong Thing (2006)
- Night School (2010)
| Gateway trilogy |
- Billy Thunder and the Night Gate (2000)
- The Winter Door (2003)
- Firecat's Dream (forthcoming)
| The Kingdom of the Lost | |
| The Legend of Little Fur |
- Little Fur (2005)
- A Fox Called Sorrow (2006)
- A Mystery of Wolves (2007)
- A Riddle of Green (2008)
| Legendsong Saga | |
| Obernewtyn Chronicles | |
| Miscellaneous | |