Darkness Falls: The Crusade

Darkness Falls: The Crusade
Developer(s) Mythic Entertainment
Publisher(s) GameStorm, AOL, Centropolis Entertainment
Release date(s) 1999
Genre(s) Fantasy MUD
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Distribution Online

Darkness Falls: The Crusade (1999), known informally as DFC and DF2, was an internet fantasy MUD-style game developed by Mythic Entertainment, and which has been hosted by America Online, GameStorm, and Centropolis Entertainment. The game was a sequel to Darkness Falls (known informally as DF1) that was offered on the AOL and Gamestorm gaming services. The game is in large part the intellectual concept behind Mythic Entertainment's Dark Age of Camelot.

This game is no longer available as of early 2006 along with all other games offered on the Mythic-Realms gaming center excluding Dragon's Gate.


The game world consisted of 3 individual realms: Good, Chaos, and Evil; each associated with a primary God: Niord, Ra'Kur, and Arnak respectively. The object of the game was to obtain the other two realms 3 orbs (informally known as Idols) and return them to your own realms shrines and to protect them. There were 3 types of orbs, one for each realm: Knowledge, Power, and Strength. Knowledge gave that realm a 10% increase in experience points gained per kill, power gave a 10% boost in magical abilities, and strength gave a 10% boost in physical combat skills to whichever realm maintained possession. There was also a 4th continent known as Kaid that, depending on the current in-game situation, either rotated between realms or was open to all at once. The maximum level obtainable was 75, an increase from DF1's level 50 max, and was only obtained by a select few individuals and was largely subject to which class they were.


There were seven types of ward: power, endurance, healing, combat, magic, lethargy and anti-scry. Each type of ward had four levels: minor, normal, improved, and greater. Each level increased the benefits given by the ward to the player.

Realm Points

The focus of the game was on player-killing (PK). Each time a player killed a member of an opposing realm, they would gain a certain number of realm points. As a player gained realm points, their realm rank would increase. A higher realm rank would give the player a skill bonus, with the maximum attainable rank being 64,000 realm points, although the total realm points attainable was 65,000. This rank provided a bonus of 37% to all skills.



The Evil realm was unique in that their classes could wield any weapon they chose instead of having to specialize in only one, as the other realms did.. Characters from the Evil realm also received penalties for going into the light.



The Good realm was unique in that its characters weren't limited to a single class(Guild) and were not limited to armor restrictions. Characters from the Good realm received penalties to all of their skills when they entered a dark room without using infravision. The Good realm was also the only realm with races that had no innate resistances of vulnerabilities.




The game had some bugs and lacked regular programming fixes or funding despite costing $9.95/month. It also had minimal customer support offered through Mythic and it was terminated eventually, without warning.

Community Information

Since DFC was taken down without warning by Mythic Entertainment in 2006 the loyal fan base of the Darkness Falls franchise has kept in touch through http://cyra-online.com/. As of April/May 2014 this site is no longer active. Please help maintain the community by posting any new forum details on this Wiki page.

There is an open Facebook group associated with the game https://www.facebook.com/groups/9979950914/

External links