Dark Eyes (audio drama)

Dark Eyes
Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Doctor Who
Range Dark Eyes
Release number 1
Featuring Eighth Doctor
Molly O'Sullivan
Writer Nicholas Briggs
Director Nicholas Briggs
Executive producer(s) Nicholas Briggs
Jason Haigh-Ellery
Set between To the Death and
Dark Eyes 2
Release date November 2012

Dark Eyes is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. This box set is made up of four hour long stories, which also tell an overall story.[1][2][3] the first part of Dark Eyes, The Great War, won the 2014 BBC Audio Drama award for Best Online or Non-Broadcast Drama.[4]

Dark Eyes

The Great War

After a devastating encounter with the Daleks, the Doctor is searching for hope. At this delicate moment in his life, the Time Lords send him on an important mission. Tracking down a DNA trace, he arrives in World War I, where he finds a Voluntary Aid Detachment nursing assistant with unusually dark eyes named Molly O’Sullivan.


The Doctor and Molly are on the run from the Daleks. They escape into the near future, World War II and then further to 1972, where a woman is waiting for him, following the instructions the Doctor hasn't yet given.

Tangled Web

Molly has enjoyed several adventures with the Doctor, but her past still haunts her. To discover the truth, they go back to an incident that occurred in 1893, when she was only two years old.

'X' and the Daleks

The Doctor suddenly finds himself on planet Srangor, an innocent world conquered by the Daleks for a top secret plan that centers around Molly O'Sullivan.


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