Dares of MTV's Fear
This article contains a list of dares performed in the show MTV's Fear. Not all the episodes are yet listed here, but the ones listed here show a complete list of dares in the show.
The Dares
West Virginia State Penitentiary
Pilot Episode
First Aired: September 10, 2000
- Ariana, 19 years old, Film Student, La Canada, CA
- Ryan, 18 Years old, Choreographer, Montclair, CA
- Steve, 21 years old, Graphic Designer, Bethel Park, PA
- Derek, 24 years old, Bartender, Chicago, IL
- Lauren, 18 years old, Fashion Student, Long Island, NY
- Christina, 21 years old, Student of Witchcraft, Huntington Beach, CA
- (Ryan) Spend 15 minutes alone, in radio silence, in the prison Infirmary.
- (Ariana) Spend 15 minutes alone, in radio silence, in the Death Row jail cell.
- (Derek) Explore 'the Hole', which was a completely unlit, caged room where prisoners were punished and driven insane. Originally, Derek broke the rules saying that he's in 'the Hole' but he was really in the entryway.
- (Steve) Observe the Death Row courtyard.
- (Christina) Explore 'the Sugar Shack', a room where several inmates were raped and murdered (though the show omitted the former) in the penitentiary's history, in radio silence for 15 minutes. Christina quits, and the dare is then completed by Ariana.
- (Lauren) Remove tarp covering the Electric Chair in the Execution chamber and spend 15 minutes in radio silence. Lauren quits, and the dare is then completed by Ryan.
- Observe 'the Hole' by the person who broke the rules in the first dare involving 'the Hole', alone and in radio silence for 15 minutes, with an EMF Meter that screeches whenever the electro-magnetic fields in a room change (one of many supposed signs that paranormal activity is present).
St. Agnes Hospital
(Real Location: Fairfield State Hospital, CT)
First Aired: October 21, 2000
- (GREEN) Ch'ien, 23 years old, Development Fundraiser, Malaysia
- (BLUE) Darrelle, 23 years old, Cola Fundraiser, Portland, OR
- (PURPLE) Jim, 24 years old, Management Consultant, Boston, MA
- (RED) Stephanie, 20 years old, Student, Portland, OR
- (YELLOW) Raquel (Rocsi), 17 years old, Shoe Salesperson, New Orleans, LA
- Dare 1: GREEN (Ch'ien) and BLUE (Darrelle) Go to the Maximum Security Ward of the hospital, where, unbeknownst to the participants, another team member PURPLE (Jim) is waiting in a hood and a straitjacket. Retrieve this team member. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: YELLOW (Raquel) and BLUE (Darrelle) are to go to the Basement of Compton Hall. Darrelle is then to proceed alone and is to sit on the lobotomy bench and use auto-drawing to contact the spirit of one of the former patients. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 3: PURPLE (Jim) and RED (Stephanie) are to go to an arts and crafts room where the murder of the patient from the former dare occurred. Alone, Jim is to collect samples of the dried, reddish liquid in the center of the room. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 4: GREEN (Ch'ien) Retrieve ghost hunting equipment from a tunnel used to transport dead bodies to the morgue. (Dare Complete)
- Finding out the next dare involves a Ouija board, Raquel quits, choosing not to go against her religion.
- Dare 5: PURPLE (Jim), RED (Stephanie) and BLUE (Darrelle) are to perform a séance in one of the hospital's mass seclusion cells. (Dare Complete)
- Upon completion, Stephanie decides to leave.
- Dare 6: GREEN (Ch'ien) is to lay in a cadaver drawer in radio silence. After three minutes, another team member PURPLE (Jim) is sent to retrieve the participant, who doesn't know how long they are to lie in the drawer and doesn't know that anyone is coming to get them.
- Bonus Dare: any team member that chooses to do this dare cannot turn back once choosing to do it. If they complete the dare, they earn an extra $3000 to add to their $5000. Darrelle is the only one that chooses the dare. Use the EMF Meter collected in a previous dare to explore the attic of the hospital, where a former patient used to go and ring bells, later hanging himself in the attic.
Duggan Brothers Cement Factory
Production Code: 101
First Aired: February 18, 2001
- (PURPLE) Abi, 22 years old, Los Angeles, CA
- (YELLOW) Amanda, 18 years old, Spanaway, WA
- (GREEN) J.Son Dinant, 19 years old, Syracuse, NY
- (WHITE) Liz, 21 years old, Bartlesville, OK
- (RED) Mike, 23 years old, Waltham, MA
- (BLUE) Paul, 19 years old, San Diego, CA
- Dare 1: PURPLE (Abi) must go to the Suspended Furnace Tunnel. Once there, Abi must retrieve a piece of paper and bring it back to the safehouse. The paper states that she completed the dare. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: YELLOW (Amanda) must go to The Scrubber. Once there, she is instructed to hold a tarantula on her arm for 2 minutes. Once dare is complete, Amanda must put the tarantula back in the jar and return to the safehouse. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 3: GREEN (J.Son Dinant) must go the Giant Coal Ramp. Once there, he must re-enact the suicide of the Factory owner by pushing over a cinderblock that looks to be attached to a coil of rope that had a noose made at the end. (Dare Incomplete, J.Son pushes over the block WITHOUT the noose attached to his neck, J.Son Disqualified)
- Dare 4: BLUE (Paul) must go to the Sunken Crusher Tunnel and set a rat trap, once dare is completed he must read the envelope aloud to his team stating that the dare is complete. (Dare Complete)
- SECRET DARE: Paul is instructed to go to the Elevator Room and spend 2 hours there. The rest of the team only finds out of this dare once it had been complete and they are told that Paul has completed the FEAR experience and that they will never see him again.
- Dare 5: RED (Mike) must go to the Sunken Crusher Tunnel and retrieve the mouse trap set by Paul. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 6: WHITE (Liz) must go to the Elevator Room and sit on the floor covered with crickets for 30 minutes in radio silence. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 7: PURPLE (Abi) must go to the Electrical Service Basement and stick head in a hanging box. She is then instructed to pull a lever that will release hundreds of cockroaches on her head. She nears a panic attack and almost runs away, but goes back to complete the dare. (Dare Complete)
Hopkins Military Academy
Production Code: 102
First Aired: February 25, 2001
- (GREEN) Mercedes Scelba-Shorte, 18 years old, Valencia, CA
- (PURPLE) Ryan, 20 Years old, Portland, OR
- (BLUE) Angela, 23 years old, Palm Springs, CA
- (YELLOW) Brian, 18 years old, Santa Cruz, CA
- (RED) Holly King, 23 years old, Hollywood, CA
- Dare 1: RED (Holly) must go to the Gymnasium Pool. Once there, she is to light a candle that will burn a rope attached to a bed of nails. Once candle is lit, she is to immediately go to a platform in the pool that is directly under the bed of nails, and lie down on it. She cannot move until instructed. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: BLUE (Angela) must go to the Stockade and attempt to channel the spirit of a deceased cadet in radio silence. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 3: YELLOW (Brian) must go to the Boiler Room and conduct a thorough investigation in radio silence until notified. Leaving the Boiler Room without authorization will result in disqualification. After 47 minutes, Brian aborts the dare. The dare is then attempted by PURPLE (Ryan). After 93 minutes, Ryan aborts the dare. The dare is then attempted by GREEN (Mercedes). After 2 hours, Mercedes completes the dare. She is then instructed to reach into a cylinder and pull out a key that is to be used later. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 4: RED (Holly) must go to the Hidden Cabinet Room and hold two exposed wires at the same time for 5 seconds, allowing a small current to surge through her body. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 5: RED (Holly), GREEN (Mercedes), and BLUE (Angela) are instructed to take the key to Captain Cochran's Quarters and use the key to open the box under the table covered with spiders which contains the bounty. (Dare Complete)
Camp Spirit Lake
Production Code: 103
First Aired: March 4, 2001
- (BLUE) Chris, 19 years old, Covington, LA
- (RED) Didi, 22 years old, Miami, FL
- (PURPLE) Javier, 18, Miami, FL
- (YELLOW) Jen, 18, Austin, TX
- (GREEN) Cici, 24, Santa Barbara, CA
- This is one of the few locations that is not haunted in the least.
- Dare 1: BLUE (Chris) must row across Spirit Lake and go to the Pet Cemetery. Once there, he is to dig up the grave marked by a circle of rocks and grab the box. Once the box has been unearthed, he is to spend 10 minutes in radio silence next to the grave. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: RED (Didi) must go the Lakota House Ruins and find the Psychomanthium Chamber. (Before entering the chamber, Didi decides to quit and the dare is attempted by GREEN (Cici).) Cici must go into the chamber, read the chant and spend 20 minutes in radio silence. (Dare Complete)
- The next 2 dares are done at the same time
- Dare 3: YELLOW (Jen) must go to the chopping block at the Lakota Ruins with the black satin bag. Once there, she is instructed to put on the rubber gloves, take the dead chicken out of the box, put its head through the hole of the chopping block, read the Sumerian chant, and chop off the chickens head. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 4: PURPLE (Javier) must take the black cylinder with him and proceed to Pawnee Cabin. Once there, he will the see the remains of a recently drawn pentagram. He must take the paint and brush out of the black cylinder and retrace the pentagram. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 5: BLUE (Chris) must go to Hopi Cabin and take part in an endurance test once used for initiating cult members. Chris must put his head in a wire mesh box that contains rats for 5 minutes in radio silence. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 6: YELLOW (Jen) must go to Pawnee Cabin with the red bag. Once there, she is to take the knife out and prick her finger, and place her blood in the center of the pentagram that Javier retraced during his dare. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 7: BLUE (Chris) must go to the Burial Grounds and lie in the pine coffin in radio silence until instructed otherwise. The website informs GREEN (Cici) to go to the Burial Grounds with the shovel and instructions, leaving her radio at the safehouse. Once at the Burial Grounds, her instructions state for her to cover the coffin with dirt while Chris remains inside. Chris remains in the coffin for 47 minutes and as an added note, Chris is claustrophobic. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 8: All remaining members must go to Pawnee Cabin and perform a ritual to release the souls of cult victims. (Dare Complete)
Buck Hill Inn
Production Code: 104
First Aired: March 11, 2001
- (PURPLE) Heidi, 18 years old, Portland, OR
- (BLUE) Jennifer, 19 years old, San Francisco, CA
- (GREEN) Andrew, 20 years old, Boston, MA
- (ORANGE) Michael, 18 years old, Austin, TX
- (YELLOW) Jesse, 20 years old, Revere, MA
- (RED) Amy, 21 years old, Durham, ME
- Dare 1: PURPLE (Heidi) must go to Room 61 in the Staff Quarters and retrieve ghost hunting equipment to be used in a later dare. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: BLUE (Jennifer) must go to the Basement Men's Washroom with the EMF Tri-Meter and measure paranormal activity for 10 minutes in radio silence. (With 45 seconds left in her dare, Jennifer breaks radio silence and is disqualified.)
- Dare 2 (continued): GREEN (Andrew) must complete the dare aborted by Jennifer. (Dare Complete)
- Before the next dare, RED (Amy) decides to quit, stating that the experience is too intense for her.
- Dare 3: ORANGE (Michael) must take the bridal photo to Room 354. Once there, remove the wedding dress from the closet and lay it on the bed. Then, kneel down on the pillow on the floor in the same spot where Lorna Kilpatrick was killed for 30 minutes in radio silence. Looking behind you will result in disqualification. YELLOW (Jesse) will be your safety. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 4: PURPLE (Heidi) must go to the East Room with the exorcism kit and perform an exorcism. YELLOW (Jesse) will be your safety. (Dare Aborted, Heidi Disqualified)
- Dare 4 (continued): YELLOW (Jesse) must complete the dare aborted by Heidi. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 5: ORANGE (Michael) must go to the bathroom in Room 354 and sit in there for 5 minutes in radio silence. He is instructed to not open the shower curtain during this time period. Once the 5 minutes are up, he is to reach into the bathtub water and remove a Rosary that belonged to a maid that committed suicide in this bathroom. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 6: All remaining team members must take the envelopes and go to the Kitchen in the Basement Junction. They are to use the key in the 2nd envelope to open the safe. Inside the safe was the bounty. (Dare Complete)
Eastern State Penitentiary
Production Code: 105
First Aired: March 18, 2001
- (BLUE) Sharif, 22 years old, Los Angeles, CA
- (PURPLE) Irina, 22 years old, Eastern Europe
- (GREEN) Jolen, 22 years old, Denver, CO
- (YELLOW) Ricky, 19 years old, Hackettstown, NJ
- (WHITE) Lorena, 20 years old, New York City, NY
- (RED) Marc, 19 years old, Sarasota, FL
- Dare 1: PURPLE (Irina) and WHITE (Lorena) must go to Cell Block 1. Once there, they will find a device known as the Tranquility Chair used to torture inmates. Lorena must strap Irina into the Tranquility Chair and remain there in radio silence until further notice. After strapping Irina in, Lorena can return to the safehouse. (Dare in Status)
- Dare 2: RED (Marc) and YELLOW (Ricky) must go to Cell Block 12. Once there, Ricky must strap Marc into the device known as the Iron Gag. Once this is done, Ricky must wait in the Rotunda until further notice. Once notice is given, Ricky must return to Cell Block 12 and release Marc from the Iron Gag and return to the safehouse. Marc must remain in the cell in radio silence until further notice. Once Marc completes his dare, he is instructed to go to Cell Block 1 and release Irina from the Tranquility Chair, then they must return to the safehouse. (Dares 1 and 2 Complete)
- Dare 3: GREEN (Jolen) and BLUE (Sharif) must go to the upper floor of Cell Block 12 and find the first cell on the left side. Jolen is then told to spend the rest of the night and following day locked in the cell with no radio. Jolen quits and Sharif must take over the dare. (Dare in Status)
- Dare 4: RED (Marc) must go to Cell Block 12 and release Sharif. Then return to the safehouse. Sharif spends over 18 hours in the cell. (Dares 3 and 4 Complete)
- Dare 5: WHITE (Lorena) must go to Cell Block 1 and use a technique called auto-drawing to contact spirits. (Dare Aborted, Lorena Disqualified)
- Dare 5 (continued): YELLOW (Ricky) must complete the dare aborted by Lorena. After he completes the auto-drawing, he must turn off face light and hand-held camera light and remain in the cell until further notice. (Dare Complete)
- Upon completion of the dare, Ricky tried to leave but finds the door will not open. He tells his teammates to send someone to release him, but the cast is not allowed to leave the safehouse unless notified by the website. After a certain period of time, the website notifies PURPLE (Irina) to release Ricky from the cell.
- Dare 6: BLUE (Sharif) must proceed to the Rotunda with a series of envelopes. Once there, he is to turn off his radio and open envelope J. The enclosed instructions inform him to go to Death Row and recreate the scene of a murdered inmate. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 7: YELLOW (Ricky), PURPLE (Irina), BLUE (Sharif), and RED (Marc) must go to the Isolation Chamber and locate the body bag. Sharif must open the body bag, which contains the bounty. (Dare Complete)
USS Hornet
Production Code: 106
First Aired: April 1, 2001
- (RED) Athena, 20 years old, Hollywood, CA
- (PURPLE) Doom, 23 years old, Arvada, CO
- (BLUE) Manika, 19 years old, Chicago, IL
- (YELLOW) Matt, 21 years old, Brookfield, WI
- (GREEN) Melanie, 24 years old, North Hollywood, CA
- (WHITE) Tyree, 20 years old, Denver, CO
- Dare 1: BLUE (Manika) must go to the Mess Hall and sit in front of the thermographic camera for 20 minutes in radio silence. (Dare Aborted, Manika Disqualified)
- Dare 1 (continued): RED (Athena) must complete the dare aborted by Manika. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: YELLOW (Matt) and WHITE (Tyree) must go to the Catapult Room and await further instructions. Upon arrival, Tyree must remain in the Catapult Room while Matt conducts an EMF Tri-Meter investigation of the Mess Hall for 10 minutes in radio silence. (Dare Complete)
- Upon completion, Matt decides to leave.
- Dare 3: RED (Athena) must proceed to the Brig and await further instructions. (Dare aborted, Athena disqualified)
- Dare 3 (continued): PURPLE (Doom) must complete the dare aborted by Athena. Proceed to the Brig and go into the last cell on the right. Doom must turn off his radio and lock himself in. (Dare in Status)
- Dare 4: GREEN (Melanie) must go to the Officer's Berth and channel the spirit of the Admiral in radio silence. (During the process, Melanie channels her spirit guides, which offer her insight to an envelope behind a sink that contains a key. Her spirit guides lead her to the Brig where she uses the key to unlock Doom from his cell. After it is unlocked, Melanie is informed of the key behind the sink.) (Dares 3 & 4 Complete)
- Dare 5: WHITE (Tyree) must go to the Sick Bay and put on the clothes of a dead sailor and lie on the operating table to invoke his spirit until notified by the website. (Dare Complete)
Fort Gaines
Production Code: 107
First Aired: April 8, 2001
- (GREEN) Tommy, 21 years old, Long Island, NY
- (PURPLE) Tara, 21 years old, New York City, NY
- (BLUE) Donald, 19 years old, The Bronx, NY
- (YELLOW) Lesley, 18 years old, Lubbock, TX
- (RED) Melissa, 19 years old, Philadelphia, PA
- Dare 1: YELLOW (Lesley) go to the East Bastion while BLUE (Donald) navigates. Lesley must stand in the cistern in the middle of the East Bastion. (Dare Aborted, Lesley Disqualified)
- Dare 1 (continued): PURPLE (Tara) must go to the East Bastion and complete the dare aborted by YELLOW (Lesley) while BLUE (Donald) navigates. Tara must stand in the cistern until notified. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: RED (Melissa) must go to the collapsed West Bastion tunnel while GREEN (Tommy) navigates. Melissa must crawl to the back of the collapsed tunnel and awaken spirits of the dead with Kachina dolls. Melissa must remain in radio silence for 3 hours. (Dare Aborted after 2 hours, Melissa Disqualified)
- Dare 2 (continued): GREEN (Tommy) must complete the dare aborted by RED (Melissa). Tommy must crawl to the back of the collapsed tunnel and awaken spirits of the dead with Kachina dolls. Tommy must remain in radio silence for 3 hours. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 3: BLUE (Donald) to go to the blacksmith shop while PURPLE (Tara) navigates. Donald must handcuff himself to an anvil in the centre of the room until further notice. GREEN (Tommy) must then go meet BLUE (Donald) at the blacksmith. Tommy must unlock Donald and they may both return to the safehouse. (Dare Complete)
- At the end of the dare, Tommy is unable to unlock the handcuffs so instead uses a metal crowbar to tear the handcuff off of Donald.
- Dare 4: BLUE (Donald) must go to the quartermaster's chamber while GREEN (Tommy) navigates. Once there, Donald must strap himself into a water torture device and wait until notified. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 5: PURPLE (Tara) must go to the POW Cell while GREEN (Tommy) navigates. Tara must lock herself in a stock and must remain there until notified. When Donald completes his dare, he is sent to release Tara from the stock. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 6: BLUE (Donald) must take the equipment box to the infirmary while PURPLE (Tara) navigates. At the infirmary, Donald must put a leech on his arm and wait in radio silence. (Dare Complete)
La Guerre Plantation
Production Code: 108
First Aired: April 15, 2001
- (GREEN) Darren, 19 years old, Washington, DC
- (RED) Jeremy, 20 years old, Burbank, CA
- (YELLOW) Sunshine, 19 years old, Westbury, NY
- (BLUE) Rachael, 18, Ira, MI
- (PURPLE) Jenn Pinto, Brooklyn, NY
- Dare 1: YELLOW (Sunshine) must go to Laveau Cabin while GREEN (Darren) navigates. Sunshine must enter the cabin where a Voodoo altar is in the middle of the room. Sunshine must cut a lock of hair, place it on the altar, state her three greatest fears and kneel in front of the altar in radio silence. After 1 hour, 27 minutes, Sunshine may return to the safehouse. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: PURPLE (Jennifer) must bring the equipment box to the main house while BLUE (Rachael) navigates. Jennifer must enter the house and go to the parlor. Once there, she must open the box and eat the flesh off the pigs feet inside. Jennifer must then smear red symbolic blood on her face and neck. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 3: BLUE (Rachael) must go to the cemetery while RED (Jeremy) navigates. Rachael must dig up a zombie grave and search for signs of remains within it. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 4: YELLOW (Sunshine) must bring a box of deer meat to Kitty's Cabin while GREEN (Darren) navigates. At the cabin, Sunshine must light a campfire and burn the deer meat in a wooden box. Sunshine must then sit in the cabin with her back to the door in radio silence. After 3 hours, Sunshine must take the ashes of the deer meat and rub them on her face. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 5: PURPLE (Jennifer) must go to the master bedroom in the main house while BLUE (Rachel) navigates. At the master bedroom, Jennifer must lay in the bed in radio silence. After screaming over the radio when the door to the bedroom inexplicably slams shut, Jennifer manages to maintain radio silence to complete the dare. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 6 occurs immediately after Sunshine returns to the safehouse after spending 3 hours on her previous dare.
- Dare 6: YELLOW (Sunshine) must bring the zombie potion to the Cemetery while PURPLE (Jennifer) navigates. After leaving the safehouse, Sunshine is confused by the directions given to her and becomes lost. Sunshine then quits in frustration. Rachael goes to fetch Sunshine. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 6 (Retry): RED (Jeremy) must bring the zombie potion to the Cemetery to complete the dare aborted by YELLOW (Sunshine). At a specific grave, Jeremy must open up a grave and remove a brick. Then, Jeremy must swallow the zombie potion, lay on the grave with the brick on his chest, and wait in radio silence. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 7: GREEN (Darren) must bring the canvas bag to the cemetery while RED (Jeremy) navigates. At a marked grave, Darren must channel Kitty's spirit. Darren must take a snake out of the canvas bag and perform a channeling ritual. (Dare Complete)
Mina Dos Estrellas - Part One
Production Code: 201
First Aired: March 23, 2002
- (GREEN) Jose, 20 years old, Oakland, CA
- (PURPLE) Victoria, 19 years old, Myrtle Beach, SC
- (BLUE) Zach, 22 years old, Greenville, SC
- (YELLOW) Sandy, 19 years old, Richmond, VA
- (RED) Dave, 18 years old, Lisle, IL
- (WHITE) Natasha, 20 years old, Miami, FL
- Dare 1: GREEN (Jose) must investigate the Chapel while WHITE (Natasha) navigates. Once there, Jose must open the door and enter the Chapel. In the center of the Chapel is a cross. To draw out the Nahual, Jose must knock down the cross. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: WHITE (Natasha) and YELLOW (Sandy) must go to the Oven Room while BLUE (Zach) navigates. At the oven room, Sandy must stay put while Natasha makes her way to the Hospital. Natasha must cross a bridge high above a river and along a path behind the Hospital. At the Hospital, Natasha quits and heads back. Sandy, after hearing strange noises waiting in the oven room, returns to the safehouse with her. Both Natasha and Sandy quit. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 2 (Retry): GREEN (Jose) and RED (Dave) must complete the dare aborted by WHITE and YELLOW while BLUE (Zach) navigates. At the Oven Room, Dave must stay in the room while Jose makes his way to the Hospital. To draw out the Nahual, flesh must be placed at both the Oven Room and Hospital. Upon opening up his bag, Jose gets covered in blood and immediately quits. Jose returns while Dave remains in the Oven Room, hearing noises in the darkness around him. (GREEN Dare Aborted)
- Dare 2 (Retry): BLUE (Zach) must complete the dare aborted by GREEN (Jose), PURPLE (Victoria) will navigate. RED (Dave) must remain in the Oven Room while Zach makes his way to the Hospital. To draw out the Nahual, flesh must be placed at both the Oven Room and Hospital. Zach must put on gloves and nail a cow tongue to the top of the Hospital entrance. While navigating, the computer in the safehouse goes haywire, and the power in the safehouse fails, plunging Victoria into darkness. Victoria claims she can hear something outside the safehouse. Both Zach and Dave hear noises waiting for the safehouse power to be restored. Once the power is restored, Dave must place a kidney on a hook in the Oven Room. Once complete, both Zach and Dave return to the safehouse. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 3: PURPLE (Victoria) and BLUE (Zach) must use the night vision scope to investigate the Carpinteria while RED (Dave) navigates. Outside the safehouse, Victoria becomes distressed and quits. (PURPLE Dare Aborted)
- Dare 3 (Retry): BLUE (Zach) must use the night vision scope to investigate the Carpinteria while RED (Dave) navigates. Before reaching the Carpinteria, Zach feels he cannot face the dare alone and quits. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 3 (Retry): RED (Dave) must open envelope 3 and follow the printed instructions to investigate the Carpinteria. Dave ponders his situation for a while and then quits. (Dare Aborted) (Investigation Failed)
Mina Dos Estrellas - Part Two
Production Code: 202
First Aired: March 31, 2002
- (PURPLE) Tiffany, 20 years old, San Diego, CA
- (BLUE) Brandon, 22 years old, San Francisco, CA
- (WHITE) Raquel, 19 years old, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- (GREEN) Major, 22 years old, Louisville, KY
- (RED) Jason, 21 years old, Jasper, AL
- (YELLOW) Adesina, 22 years old, Booklyn, NY
- Dare 1: GREEN (Major) and PURPLE (Tiffany) must investigate the Carpinteria while RED (Jason) navigates. At a barrel outside, Tiffany must wait while Major continues on to the Carpinteria. Major must enter the Carpinteria and scan the room with a night scope while Tiffany returns to the safehouse. After 32 minutes of scanning the Carptineria, Major can return to the safehouse. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: BLUE (Brandon) must investigate the Oven Room while GREEN (Major) navigates. At the Oven Room, Brandon must climb down an oven smokestack and wait in radio silence at the bottom for 3 hours. After 2 hours and 13 minutes, Brandon breaks radio silence after the doors to the smokestack slam shut. Raquel offers to help him out after quitting her dare in the Hospital (see Dare 3 below). (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 3: WHITE (Raquel) must go to the oven room and await instructions while GREEN (Major) navigates. Raquel must remove the rope ladder that Brandon used to climb down the smokestack. Raquel must then proceed to the Hospital. In the Hospital, Raquel must wrap gauze around her eyes and wait for the Nahual to appear. After hearing noises and the fact that Brandon quit, Raquel quits and assists Brandon in getting out of the smokestack. (Dare Aborted)
- Once Raquel and Brandon quit their dares, Tiffany quits.
- After both Dare 2 and 3 are aborted, the website reports that an error in the observation cameras has been detected and that those dares must remain permanently incomplete.
- Dare 4: RED (Jason) and GREEN (Major) must go to the drainage pit while YELLOW (Adesina) navigates. At the drainage pit, Major must lower himself into the pit and use himself as bait for the Nahual. After taking the ladder, Jason must return to the safehouse. Major must empty a container of blood on to the pit floor and tape the experience. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 5: YELLOW (Adesina) must take a caged chicken to the Modelos Room while RED (Jason) navigates. Using the chicken as bait, Adesina must take a digital picture of the Nahual. To provoke the Nahual, Adesina must yell "I don't believe in you Nahual, I don't respect you Nahual". (Dare Completed)
- Dare 6: RED (Jason) must return to the drainage pit while YELLOW (Adesina) navigates. Jason must assist Major in getting out of the drainage pit. (Dare Complete)
Hacienda Tabi
Production Code: 203
First Aired: April 7, 2002
- (RED) Raven, 22 years old, Port Jefferson, NY
- (PURPLE) Stephanie, 22 years old, Prattville, AL
- (BLUE) Justin, 22 years old, Birmingham, AL
- (WHITE) Jen, 22 years old, Walnut Creek, CA
- (GREEN) Tom, 21 years old, Boston, MA
- (YELLOW) Mario, 19 years old, Albuquerque, NM
- Dare 1: WHITE (Jen) go to the cistern while RED (Raven) navigates. Jen must climb down a rope ladder into the cistern. Jen must wait in radio silence for 5 hours. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 1 (Retry): YELLOW (Mario) must complete the dare aborted by WHITE (Jen). Mario must remain in the cistern for 5 hours in radio silence. After 5 hours, BLUE (Justin) arrives from Dare 4 to bring Mario back to the safehouse. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: GREEN (Tom) must go to the Hacienda entrance while BLUE (Justin) navigates. While Tom makes his way to the Hacienda, Jen quits her task. Tom goes to find her before performing his dare. Back at the entrance, Tom must place 3 pig heads on poles and light torches to draw out spirits. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 3: RED (Raven) must investigate the pool while GREEN (Tom) navigates. At the pool, Raven must hold a séance to contact dead soldiers. Before starting the séance, Raven nears a panic attack and quits. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 3 (Retry): PURPLE (Stephanie) must complete the dare aborted by RED (Raven). Stephanie must hold a séance to communicate with dead soldiers. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 4: BLUE (Justin) must go to the cistern while GREEN (Tom) navigates. Once at the cistern, Justin must instruct YELLOW (Mario) to return to the safehouse. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 5: BLUE (Justin) must put on a hood while GREEN (Tom) leads BLUE to the stables. YELLOW (Mario) navigates. At the stables, Justin is placed in a hole in the ground and is buried up to his neck. Justin must remain buried until told to leave. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 6: After leaving BLUE (Justin) in Dare 5, GREEN (Tom) must go to the fire pit. At the pit, Justin must place a heart on a stake for an offering to a spirit. Justin must then wait in radio silence. (Dare Complete)
Ki Sugar Mill
Production Code: 204
First Aired: April 14, 2002
- (PURPLE) Valeska, 22 years old, Miami, FL
- (RED) Joe, 20 years old, Myrtle Beach, SC
- (YELLOW) Jason, 20 years old, Syracuse, NY
- (GREEN) Selina, 18 years old, Palmerston North, New Zealand
- (BLUE) Ira, 22 years old, Peoria, IL
- (WHITE) Chimere, 20 years old, Chicago, IL
- Dare 1: RED (Joe) to go to the Machine Shop while BLUE (Ira) navigates. Joe must re-enact a suicide to invoke a dead spirit and then wait in radio silence. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: PURPLE (Valeska) to go to the Storage Room and wait for further instructions while YELLOW (Jason) navigates. After seeing something outside, Valeska quits. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 2 (Retry): WHITE (Chimere) must complete the dare aborted by PURPLE (Valeska) while YELLOW (Jason) navigates. After getting halfway to the Storage Room, Chimere quits. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 2 (Retry): BLUE (Ira) must complete the dare aborted by WHITE (Chimere) while YELLOW (Jason) navigates. Ira must investigate the Storage Room and wait in radio silence. After 136 minutes of radio silence, Ira may return to the safehouse. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 3: GREEN (Selina) must go to the Irrigation Tunnels while YELLOW (Jason) navigates. After taking an elevator 1,000 feet underground, Selina must retrieve dropped objects in an underwater stream. (Dare Complete)
- While Dare 3 was in progress, the elevator stopped and cut off radio transmission between Selina and Jason.
- Dare 4: YELLOW (Jason) must go to the Cane Grinder while GREEN (Selina) navigates. At the Cane Grinder, Jason must re-enact an accident by lying in the Cane Grinder. Then Jason must turn the Grinder on while still lying inside. (Dare Complete)
Serenity Lake Sanitorium
Production Code: 205
First Aired: April 21, 2002
- (YELLOW) Heather, 21 years old, Cambridge, MN
- (GREEN) Thomas, 18 years old, Durham, NC
- (WHITE) Gabrielle, 23 years old, Washington, DC
- (RED) Antwain, 22 years old, Rock Island, IL
- (PURPLE) Creed, 23 years old, Birmingham, AL
- (BLUE) April, 24 years old, Miami, FL
- Before the team meets in the safehouse, each member is placed in a different section of the building and given an envelope. This envelope contains an introductory note and directions to the safehouse.
- Dare 1: YELLOW (Heather) must investigate the upstairs bedroom in Dr. Ellison's House while WHITE (Gabrielle) navigates. Heather must perform auto-drawing on a mirror to channel the spirit of Dr. Ellison's dead wife. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: BLUE (April) must investigate the Children's Ward while WHITE (Gabrielle) navigates. April must draw out spirits of the dead children by rolling balls across the carpeted floor. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 3: WHITE (Gabrielle) and PURPLE (Creed) must investigate the basement in Dr. Ellison's house while GREEN (Thomas) navigates. After uncovering a secret room, Gabrielle must remain inside alone while Creed locks her in. Gabrielle must remain alone in the room for 20 hours in radio silence. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 4: PURPLE (Creed) must return to the basement of Dr. Ellison's house while BLUE navigates. Creed releases WHITE (Gabrielle) from the locked room. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 5: WHITE (Gabrielle), YELLOW (Heather) and GREEN (Thomas) must investigate the Weldon House while RED (Antwain) navigates. The group must channel the spirit of a dead soldier by holding a séance. After the séance, Thomas must remain outside the house while Gabrielle and Heather return to the safehouse. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 6: GREEN (Thomas) must investigate the upstairs portion of the Weldon House while PURPLE (Creed) navigates. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 6 (Retry): PURPLE (Creed) must complete the dare aborted by GREEN (Thomas) while BLUE (April) navigates. Creed must attempt to summon the angel of death by painting inverted crosses on a series of doors. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 7: BLUE (April) must investigate the Pig Man's Attic while WHITE (Gabrielle) navigates. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 7 (Retry): RED (Antwain) must complete the dare aborted by BLUE (April) while WHITE (Gabrielle) navigates. In the attic, Antwain must use UV powder to determine which one of 6 rooms is a hot spot of supernatural activity. (Dare Complete)
Boettger Brewery
Production Code: 206
First Aired: April 28, 2002
- (BLUE) Megan, 23 years old, Lake Forest, IL
- (RED) Scout, 22 years old, White Lake, MI
- (PURPLE) Rex, 22 years old, Chicago, IL
- (YELLOW) Tsion, 18 years old, Washington D.C.
- (GREEN) Mark, 21 years old, Dubuque, IA
- (WHITE) Pavun, 19 years old, Woodridge, IL
- Dare 1: YELLOW (Tsion) must investigate the Ballroom while WHITE (Pavun) navigates. Tsion quits soon after leaving the safehouse. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 1 (Retry): PURPLE (Rex) must complete the dare aborted by YELLOW (Tsion) while WHITE (Pavun) navigates. Rex must recite "Otto, come forth and avenge your death" then smash the Ballroom's mirrors to invoke Otto's spirit. (Dare Complete)
- Dare 2: BLUE (Megan) and RED (Scout) must investigate the Great Hall while GREEN (Mark) navigates. Megan quits once reaching Monkey Boy's cage. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 2 (Retry): WHITE (Pavun) must complete the dare aborted by BLUE (Megan) while PURPLE (Rex) navigates. Both team members must attempt to contact the spirit of Monkey Boy using a Ouija board. (Dare Completed)
- Dare 3: GREEN (Mark) must investigate the Storage Vault while RED (Scout) navigates. Mark must shut himself inside the Storage Vault in complete radio silence. Then WHITE (Pavun) goes to inform Mark that he must spend 20 hours in the Storage Vault in complete radio silence. (Dare Completed)
- Dare 4: WHITE (Pavun) must return to the Storage Vault while RED (Scout) navigates. Pavun then releases Mark from the Storage Vault. (Dare Completed)
- Dare 5: WHITE (Pavun) and PURPLE (Rex) must return to the Great Hall while GREEN (Mark) navigates. Pavun must then lock himself in Monkey Boy's cage while Rex suspends the cage in the air. He then must remain in the cage in complete radio silence until further notified. (Dare Completed)
- Dare 6: GREEN (Mark) must return to the Great Hall while PURPLE (Rex) navigates. Mark must release Pavun from Monkey Boy's cage and then take his place, remaining in complete radio silence until further notified. Mark quits just as Rex is instructed to go and let him out of the cage. (Dare Aborted)
- Dare 6 (Retry): PURPLE (Rex) and WHITE (Pavun) must return to the Great Hall while RED (Scout) navigates. Rex must lock himself in Monkey Boy's cage and maintain radio silence until further notified. (Dare Completed)
- Dare 7: WHITE (Pavun) must go to the Great Hall while RED (Scout) navigates. Pavun must release Rex from Monkey Boy's cage. (Dare Completed)
See also
- MTV's Fear