Daniel Chandler

Daniel Chandler (born 1952) is a British visual semiotician based (since 2001) at the department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies at Aberystwyth University (where he has taught since 1989). His best-known publication is Semiotics: The Basics (Routledge: 1st edn 2002, 2nd edn 2007),[1] which is frequently used as a basis for University courses in semiotics,[2][3][4] and the online version 'Semiotics for Beginners' (online since 1995).[5] He has a particular interest in the visual semiotics of gender and advertising.

Early career

Trained as a schoolteacher at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Chandler began his career teaching English in middle and high school classrooms in the 1970s and 1980s. He adopted a progressive, constructivist philosophy of education at a time when microcomputers were first introduced into the classroom. Resisting the hyped image of computing in education as a boon to instructional productivity,[6][7][8][9] Chandler recognized the computer as a tool for learning, but he rejected a prevailing objectivism that considered data as information, and information as knowledge. He held a constructivist view that data is translated into information by human beings, not computers, and humans negotiate the meaning of information by means of dialog and discussion (Chandler, 1990a). The computer, for Chandler, was not a teaching machine, but a medium of expression for young learners.[10] His early adoption of computers in the classroom led to the publication of several authored and edited texts related to computing in education.[11] He left the classroom in 1981 and set up an independent consultancy, notably serving as a design consultant for Acornsoft on the development of educational software[12] for use by the BBC.[13] In 1989, Chandler returned to academia, joining the Education department at Aberystwyth University. His initial role as a lecturer in educational technology soon shifted to that of a lecturer in media theory, and in 2001 he moved to the department of Theatre, Film, and Television Studies as a lecturer in Media and Communication Studies.

Daniel Chandler's (1993) dissertation on 'The Experience of Writing' focused on the phenomenology of writing. That work led to the 1995 text, 'The Act of Writing'[14] which he posted freely on the World Wide Web. Where the tendency of most authors had been to withhold their work from online access for multiple reasons,[15] Chandler was never so inhibited. Self publishing 'The Act of Writing' was one of multiple experiments that he launched in an exploration of the Web's possibilities as a medium for teaching. In 1994 he began placing lecture materials online for use by his own students. This practice of open access proved successful and rewarding. As the richness of this material evolved in the ensuing months, and as the population of Internet users exploded in the mid 1990s, Chandler's site quickly attracted an international audience of students, scholars, and mediaphiles hungry for rewarding academic content.[16][17][18][19][20][21] The MCS Web[22] offered tangible content that went beyond the typical outlines, bibliographies and promotional material hosted on most academic and commercial sites of the time. The Media and Communications Studies site established itself as a premier online academic resource for theoretical and educational material in the fields of Rhetoric, Communication Studies, Semiotics, Media, and Contemporary Philosophy. In 2011, Chandler and Rod Munday published the Oxford Dictionary of Media and Communication.[23]

The Study of Semiotics

As a lecturer in media studies at Aberystwyth, Chandler prepared a series of materials on Semiotics, written in a language and style that would be comprehensible to his own undergraduate students. He noted with irritation that his personal introduction to the field "had been frustrated by many of the existing books on the subject that frequently seemed impossible to understand," ([1] p.xv). He placed these lectures on the World Wide Web to augment the other Media and Communication Studies materials that he had prepared for his students. Over time, this set of lectures took the form of an online book, Semiotics for Beginners.[24] The text attracted the attention of numerous other professors in search of materials to augment their own lectures.[25][26][27] Chandler credits the philosopher A. C. Grayling for encouraging him to submit his online work for print publication. The first edition of Semiotics: the Basics[1] was published by Routledge in 2002. By 2005 the book had become among the best-known introductory texts in field of Semiotics.[28] Routledge released a second edition[29] in 2007. (See reviews by Juan A. Prieto-Pablos (2005),[30] and Edward McDonald (2003).[31])

Inevitability thesis

Daniel Chandler's "inevitability thesis"[32][33] is the philosophy of technology proposition, stated in "Technological or Media Determinism" (1995), that once a technology is introduced into a culture, what follows is the inevitable development of that technology.[34] Once a man builds a machine, he wants it to go somewhere.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Semiotics: the Basics.
  2. "Master's Programme in Language and Culture in Europe". Linköping University. Archived from the original on 2007-12-26. Retrieved 2008-02-06.
  3. "EDCI 508A - Semiotic Inquiry in Education". University of British Columbia. Retrieved 2008-02-06.
  4. "Semiotics and Cultural Research Methods". University of Vaasa. Archived from the original on 2008-02-13. Retrieved 2008-02-06.
  5. Chandler, Daniel. "Semiotics for Beginners". Aberystwyth University. Retrieved 2008-02-06.
  6. Cuban (2001) Oversold and Underused: Computers in the Classroom. University of California Press. Retrieved 2010-02-07.
  7. Iacono & Kling (1995) "Computerization Movements and Tales of Technological Utopianism". Academic Press. Retrieved 2010-02-07.
  8. Postman (1993), Technopoly: the Surrender of Culture to Technology, Vintage Books
  9. Roszak (1980), The Cult of Information: A Neo-Luddite Treatise on High-tech, Artificial Intelligence, and the True Art of Thinking, University of California Press
  10. Chandler (1984) Young Learners and the Microcomputer, Milton Keynes: Open University Press,
  11. see Bibliography: Chandler (1982, 1983, 1984a, 1984b, 1985, 1986, 1987a, 1987b, 1990a, 1992a)
  12. "educational software".
  13. "BBC".
  14. "The Act of Writing".
  15. Harnad, S. (1997) "How to Fast-Forward Serials to the Inevitable and the Optimal for Scholars and Scientists.". Serials Librarian 30: 73-81.
  16. "Voice of the Shuttle". Alan Liu. Retrieved 2010-02-16.
  17. "Media Studies: UC Berkely Library". Retrieved 2010-02-16.
  18. December, John (1996) World Wide Web Unleashed, Sams Publishing
  19. Milhorn, Jim (1999) Student's Companion to the World Wide Web, Scarecrow Press
  20. Barton and Beck (2005) Get Set for Communication Studies, Edinburgh Press
  21. Marie Monteagudo. "MCS: The Media and Communications Studies Site". Retrieved 2010-02-16.
  22. "MCS Web". Archived from the original on 1999-01-17.
  23. "Oxford Dictionary of Media and Communication".
  24. "Semiotics for Beginners".
  25. Myers, M. D. (2013) Qualitative research in business & management., SAGE
  26. Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Razavieh, A., & Ary, D. (2009) Introduction to research in education., Wadsworth
  27. Hackley, C. E. (2003) Doing research projects in marketing, management and consumer research, Routledge
  28. "Semiotics Has No Beginning". Kull, Salupere, and Torop (2005).
  29. 978-0-415-36376-1 "second edition".
  30. "Semiotics: The Basics". Taylor & Francis Online.
  31. "Semiotics: The Basics". The Linguist.
  32. Miller, Keith M. (2009). "While We Weren't Paying Attention". IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 28 (1): 4. doi:10.1109/MTS.2009.931861. ISSN 0278-0097. Either consciously or unconsciously, we may start to accept some degree of technological determinism or Chandler’s inevitability thesis. The idea that technology is going to happen no matter what we do...
  33. Shurville, Simon; Greener, Sue; Rospigliosi, Asher. "Educational Technology: An Ecumenical Stance" (PDF). Readings in Education and Technology: Proceedings of ICICTE 2008: 82–92. Hard-line technological and media determinists could be said to believe in an inevitability thesis (see Chandler, 199[5]). This maintains that technologies, mass-media and choice of delivery medium exert forces [that] are as irresistible as hard-line capitalists believe market forces to be.
  34. Udechukwu, Isika G.; Enahoro, Assay B. (2010). "Chapter 12: Concepts, Dimensions in New Media Technology: Reinforcing the Contest Against Financial Crimes in Nigeria". In Nwokeafor, Cosmas Uchenna; Langmia, Kehbuma. Media and Technology in Emerging African Democracies. University Press of America. p. 252. ISBN 978-0-7618-5200-1.

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