
Temporal range: early -middle Jurassic
Scientific classification
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Subclass: Ammonoidea
Order: Ammonitida
Superfamily: Eoderocerataceae
Family: Dactylioceratidae
Hyatt, 1867

The family Dactylioceratidae comprises Early to Middle Jurassic ammonite genera with ribbed and commonly tuberculate shells that resembled later Middle Jurassic stephanoceratids and Upper Jurassicperisphinctids. Shells may be either evolute or involute.

The Dactylioceratidae may be polyphyletic and therefore invalid as a proper taxon. Some may have their origin in the Lytoceratina, others in the Eoderoceratidae.
