D. E. Shaw Research

For investment management firm, see D. E. Shaw & Co..

D. E. Shaw Research (DESRES) is a privately held biochemistry research company based in New York City. Under the scientific direction of David E. Shaw, the group's chief scientist, D. E. Shaw Research develops technologies for molecular dynamics simulations (including Anton,[1] [2] a massively parallel special-purpose supercomputer, and Desmond,[3] a software package for use on conventional computers and computer clusters) and applies such simulations to basic scientific research in structural biology and biochemistry, and to the process of computer-aided drug design.

This interdisciplinary laboratory is composed of members with backgrounds in chemistry, biology, hardware engineering and design, computer science, or applied mathematics. In addition to its main New York facility, D. E. Shaw Research has offices in Cupertino, California and Hyderabad, India.


  1. Shaw, D.E.; Chao, Jack C.; Eastwood, Michael P.; Gagliardo, Joseph; Grossman, J. P.; Ho, C. Richard; Ierardi, Douglas J.; Kolossváry, István et al. (May 2007). "Anton, a special-purpose machine for molecular dynamics simulation". International Symposium on Computer Architecture: Proceedings of the 34th annual international symposium on Computer architecture (ACM) 35 (2): 1. doi:10.1145/1273440.1250664. ISBN 978-1-59593-706-3.
  2. David E. Shaw, Ron O. Dror, John K. Salmon, J.P. Grossman, Kenneth M. Mackenzie, Joseph A. Bank, Cliff Young, Martin M. Deneroff, Brannon Batson, Kevin J. Bowers, Edmond Chow, Michael P. Eastwood, Douglas J. Ierardi, John L. Klepeis, Jeffrey S. Kuskin, Richard H. Larson, Kresten Lindorff-Larsen, Paul Maragakis, Mark A. Moraes, Stefano Piana, Yibing Shan, and Brian Towles (2009). "Millisecond-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Anton". Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC09) (ACM): 1–11. doi:10.1145/1654059.1654099. ISBN 978-1-60558-744-8.
  3. Kevin J. Bowers, Edmond Chow, Huafeng Xu, Ron O. Dror, Michael P. Eastwood, Brent A. Gregersen, John L. Klepeis, István Kolossváry, Mark A. Moraes, Federico D. Sacerdoti, John K. Salmon, Yibing Shan, and David E. Shaw (2006). "Scalable Algorithms for Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Commodity Clusters". Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC06), Tampa, Florida, November 11–17, 2006. (ACM). ISBN 0-7695-2700-0.

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