D'Onofrio (brand)

D'Onofrio ice cream carts. The company has kept the traditional ice cream carts in use, but has modernized the style and improved its refrigeration technology.

D'Onofrio is a Peruvian brand and business dedicated primarily to the sale of confectionery products. It was founded in 1859 by Pietro D'Onofrio. The company and its brand currently belongs to Nestlé Perú (acquired in 1997) (a subsidiary of the larger Nestlé company) and sells its products in the same country. D'Onofrio's products are aimed at a wide market, and are consumed by people of all ages.

D'Onofrio also has a share of the chocolate market. Its foremost product is Sublime, a small-sized chocolate with peanuts. D'Onofrio is also famous for its panettone which is on sale for Christmas and on Peru's independence holiday on July 28. There had been many products that are seldom for sale, like juices or cookies.

Ice-cream brands

D'Onofrio holds a large variety of ice creams with different flavors. Approximately 20 types of ice creams are sold throughout D'Onofrio stores and ice cream carts. Among the products are:
