Děti Země

Děti Země (Children of the Earth - COE) is a Czech citizens' association for environmental protection.

COE was founded in September 1989, shortly before the Velvet revolution in Czechoslovakia, as an unofficial initiative of several ecological activists in Prague.

In the last two decades Dětí Země lobbied for ozone layer protection, sustainable transport[1] and air quality,[2] among other issues. Today there are eleven local branches in eleven cities all over the Czech Republic with its headquarters being in Plzeň.

Members of the Honorary Board are Jiří Dědeček, Erazim Kohák, Vladimír Merta, Zdeněk Thoma, Jaroslav Pavlíček and Jan Vodňanský. Ivan Dejmal, ex-dissident (Charta 77) and the first Czech Minister of Environment was a longtime supporter of COE.


  1. "Vlaky a autobusy budou v Libereckém kraji jezdit zadarmo". detizeme.cz. Retrieved 12 May 2013.
  2. Země, Děti. "Jak zplodiny z aut škodí lidskému zdraví?". Denik Verejna Sprava. Retrieved 12 May 2013.

Bibliogphy (part)

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