Cyrtodactylus ramboda

Ramboda Bent-toed Gecko
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Sauropsida
Subclass: Diapsida
Infraclass: Lepidosauromorpha
Superorder: Lepidosauria
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Scleroglossa
Family: Gekkonidae
Genus: Cyrtodactylus
Species: C. ramboda
Binomial name
Cyrtidactylus ramboda
Batuwita & Bahir, 2005

Ramboda Bent-toed Gecko, Cyrtodactylus ramboda, is a species of gecko endemic to island of Sri Lanka.

Habitat & Distribution

A recently described gecko from western slopes of the central hills of Sri Lanka. Only known from Ramboda, near Gerandi Falls at an elevation of 780m.


Head depressed. Enlarged tubercles on para-vertebral row 38-44. Densely arranged mid-dorsal tubercles. Lamellae under fourth toe are 7-8. Claws are moderately long. Mental subpentagonal, with concave posterior lateral borders. Dorsal scales across mid-body between ventro-lateral folds, 55-63. Ventral pores and pre-cloacal groves absent. Dorsum medium brown with 5 sinous dark brown bands. A dark canthal stripe found that meets on nape.

Ecology & Diet

Active on tree trunks about 1.5-2.5m above the ground or on moss covered boulders.
