Cyrtodactylus edwardtaylori

Taylor's Bent-toed Gecko
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Sauropsida
Subclass: Diapsida
Infraclass: Lepidosauromorpha
Superorder: Lepidosauria
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Scleroglossa
Family: Gekkonidae
Genus: Cyrtodactylus
Species: C. edwardtayori
Binomial name
Calodactylus edwardtaylori
Batuwita & Bahir, 2005

Habitat & Distribution

A beant-toed gecko species, known only from Tonacombe Estate, Namunukula, and Badulla.


Scales under fourth toe rangesd from 7-8. Claws short. Mental subpentagonal. Midbody scale rows 29-30. Ventral scales imbricate to subimbricate with rounded posterior edge. Head is not depressed. A series of enlarged femoral scales present. Preanal groove absent. Dorsum gray-brown, with three dark brown bands. A dark canthal stripe that meets at nape. Lips yellow.

Ecology & Diet

Known only from a small montane forest patch, underplanted with cardamom and surrounded by tea plantations, where it if found on tree trunks, 2-4m above the ground, with heavy growth of moss and ferns.
