Cyprus–Egypt relations

Cypriot–Egyptian relations



Cypriot–Egyptian relations refer to bilateral relations between Cyprus and Egypt. Due to the strong cultural and historical ties between the two nations, Cyprus and Egypt today enjoy friendly, and strategic relations. Modern diplomatic relations between the two countries were established soon after Cyprus gained its independence in 1960, and are regarded as cordial.[1] Cyprus has an embassy in Cairo and Egypt has an embassy in Nicosia.


During an April 2009 meeting at ministerial level, the countries explored ways to develop closer ties, with plans for increased collaboration both on tourism and energy related activities. There has been talk of Cyprus increasing her imports of natural gas, Egypt using Cyprus as a bridge for exports to Europe and on prospects for the training of Cypriot engineers by their Egyptian counterparts on techniques for the extraction of oil and natural gas.[2]

State visit by President Demetris Christofias

President Christofias paid a three–day official visit to Egypt, reassured the Egyptian government officials who participated in the Forum, as well as the business people of Egypt that their country can rely on Cyprus, especially as regards the EU – Egypt relations. The Cypriot President referred to the three bilateral agreements signed Tuesday in Cairo, as well as the “very important agreements” signed last year on research for oil and gas in the region, expressing certainty that the “two governments create a very stable fundament for you, the business people, to further promote your cooperation as friends, as business people”. .[3]

He furthermore described Cyprus as a country favorable for investments, just as Egypt is favorable for Cypriot investments as well.

Official visit of Egyptian FM to Cyprus

Mohamed Kamel Amr was the first senior Egyptian official to visit Cyprus since the Egyptian uprising in 2011 forced Hosni Mubarak to step down after 30-years in power.[4] Egypt’s Foreign Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr, said during his visit to Nicosia Friday that there is an enormous potential to promote economic cooperation between Egypt and Cyprus. Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis announced that both the Egyptian and the Cypriot governments agreed to complete the contractual framework on joint exploitation according to the agreement signed between them in 2006.[5]

2014 tripartite summit in Cairo between Egypt, Cyprus and Greece

Egypt, Cyprus and Greece held a tripartite summit in Cairo in 8 November 2014, where the leaders of the three countries tackled the ongoing issues in the region of Middle East and the East Mediterranean Sea, and the three heads of governments agreed to intensify the cooperation between the three countries in economy, security, tourism and energy, as well as defining the common maritime borders and the EEZ in the Mediterranean Sea.[6]

In the Cairo Summit, the governments of Greece and Cyprus condemned the terrorist attacks in Egyptian territory and the Mount Sinai, expressed political support to the Egyptian government, and agreed on mutual support between the three countries in international organizations and forums, with Greece and Cyprus advocating Egypt's positions in the European Union.

Al-Sisi, Anastasiades and Samaras agreed to further encourage the foreign investments to the Egyptian economy and infrastructure, which suffered by the urprisings of Arab Spring, and to participate in the 2015 Cairo Economic Conference.[7]

Notes and references

See also

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