Cuyo (Argentina)

For the historical province of Cuyo, see Cuyo Province.

Cuyo is the name given to the wine-producing, mountainous area of central-west Argentina. Historically it comprised the provinces of San Juan, San Luis and Mendoza and was influenced by Chile. The modern term New Cuyo indicates both Cuyo proper and the province of La Rioja. New Cuyo is a political and economic macroregion, but culturally La Rioja is part of the North-West rather than of Cuyo.

Cuyo has some of the most popular tourist attractions in Argentina and the highest mountain massifs in the Andes, including Aconcagua itself, the highest peak outside Asia, and the Ischigualasto Provincial Park.

The soil is arid and reddish, crossed by few rivers. Most of the rivers are fed by the thawing of snow on the peaks, and their volume of water increases considerably in spring. The Desaguadero River is the main collector, receiving waters from the Bermejo, Vinchina and Salado before reaching the Colorado River.

Viticulture is one of the main activities of the area. The wine production of the region represents almost 80% of national production, and the wines are highly considered in the world. Olives, potatoes, tomatoes and some fruits are also cultivated, and there is production of sweets and preserved foodstuffs. Quarrying and oil exploitation are other important industries.

The cities and towns in the region are characterised by colonial low houses and churches, and narrow streets, contrasting in the principal cities with the modern parts. The Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, founded in 1939, is the most important within these provinces, and has its campus in Mendoza, but has faculties as far as Río Negro.

Atuel River, Mendoza Province. 
Las Leñas ski resort 
Cuyo highlights a considerable agro-industrial production of wine. 

Cuyo province by GDP (mominal) and GDP per capita

This article includes a list of Cuyo Province sorted by their Gross Domestic Product (nominal) per capita, the value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year, divided by the average population for the same year. The table below includes data for the year 2013 for the 23 provinces

Rank Province GDP Comparable
per capita
1 Mendoza 22,023 Zambia 11,957 Libya
2 San Juan 7,341 Niger 10,170 Costa Rica
3 San Luis 6,117 Guinea 13,201 Poland
4 La Rioja (Argentina) 2,447 Maldives 6,844 China

Table of Cuyo provinces according to the 2001 census [INDEC].

Province Population % of Cuyo Area (km²) % of Cuyo Density (inhab/km²)
Mendoza 1,579,651 55.28 148,827 36.76 10.6
San Juan 620,023 21.70 89,651 22.14 6.9
San Luis 367,933 12.88 76,748 18.95 4.8
La Rioja 289,983 10.15 89,680 22.15 3.2
Cuyo Total 2,857,590 100 404,906 100 7.1
Argentina Total 36,260,130 - 2,780,4031 - 13.0


As in other parts of Argentina, nature tourism is an important source of income, amongst sites that receive a large number of visitors, the following are its main attractions:


Fiesta Nacional de la Vendimia

Las Leñas

Biosphere Reserve of Ñacuñán

San Rafael


Difunta Correa


El Trapiche


External links

Coordinates: 32°54′26″S 68°03′37″W / 32.9073°S 68.0603°W