Curiously Cinnamon

Curiously Cinnamon is a breakfast cereal produced by Cereal Partners under the Nestlé brand. It is sold throughout The United Kingdom and Ireland.


Curiously Cinnamon was first introduced to the UK and Ireland, several decades ago by Cereal Partners, as Cinnamon Toast Crunch, the same name as the popular North American cereal brand. The name was later changed to Cinnamon Grahams, similar to Golden Grahams, another Nestlé product. Several years ago, the name was once again changed to its current name of Curiously Cinnamon.

Curiously Cinnamon consists of wholegrain wheat and rice squares about 1.4 cm in size, which are then coated with a cinnamon sugar-esque coating They are also fortified with various vitamins and minerals.


    See also