Cumidava (castra)


Ruins of the Northeastern gate (2013)
Location within Romania
Alternative name(s) Comidava, Komidava [1]
Known also as Castra of Râșnov
Founded 2nd century AD
Place in the Roman world
Province Dacia
Administrative unit Dacia Apulensis
Administrative unit Dacia Superior
Limes Transalutanus
Nearby water (Bârsa)
Directly connected to (Drumul Carului) • (Brașov-Șprenghi)
— Stone structure —
Size and area 124 m x 118 m (1.46 [2] ha)
Construction technique Opus incertum [2]
— Wood and earth structure —
Size and area 114 m x 110 m (1.2 [2] ha)
Stationed military units
VI Nova Cumidavensium Alexandrina [3]
Coordinates 45°37′07″N 25°26′30″E / 45.618707°N 25.441580°E
Altitude 608 m (1,995 ft)
Place name
Town Râșnov
County Brașov
Country  Romania
RO-LMI BV-I-s-A-11283
RO-RAN 40376.01
Site notes
Recognition National Historical Monument
Discovery year 1856 [2]
Condition Ruined
Excavation dates
Media related to Cumidava at Wikimedia Commons
The plan of castra.

Castra Cumidava was a fort in the Roman province of Dacia. It is located at 4 km northwest of the city Râşnov, at the common border with the city of Vulcan. The archaeological site is located on the middle terrace of Bârsa River. It includes a defensive line of about 2 hectares.

The inscription found in the fort testifies about a Roman cohort of Vindelici who had taken the name Cumidava (Komidava of Ptolemy) from its place of cantonment.[1] The fact that the Romans preserved the Dacian name is quite suggestive.[4] The native Geto-Dacian population, which became the basis for a new civilization, lent its specific characteristics, while the Latin-speaking colonists introduced Roman traits.[5]

The relatively small castrum (110 m x 114 m) belonged administratively to the Dacia Apulensis. It was continuously used by only two cohorts Vindelicorum Cumidavensis (cohors VI and cohors VI Nova).[6]

An inscription from 3rd century AD dedicated to Iulia Mamea was found here: [7]

Iuliae Mameae augustae matri Domini nostri sanctissimi Imperatoris Caesaris Severi Alexandi augusti et castrorum senatusque cohors Vindelicorum Piae fidelis Cumidavensis Alexandrianae ex quaestura sua dedicante la sdio Dominatio legato augusti III Daciarum.[7]

See also

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 L'Année épigraphique: revue des publications épigraphiques relatives a l'antiquité romaine, Académie des inscriptions & belles-lettres (France) Presses Universitaires de France., 1968,
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 Raport ştiinţific privind derularea proiectului Strategii defensive şi politici transfrontaliere. Integrarea spaţiului Dunării de Jos în civilizaţia romană (STRATEG)
  3. Istoria României, Transilvania, Volumul I, Capitolul II - Etnogeneza românilor, de Dr. Ioan Glodariu
  4. Morgan 2009, p. 223.
  5. Treptow & Bolovan 1996, p. 35.
  6. Dumitru Protase, Istoria Romanilor: Daco-Romani, Romanici, Algeni, Academia Romana, Sectia de Stiinte Istorice si Arheologie, Editura Enciclopedica, 2001,
  7. 7.0 7.1 Pintilie, Alin-Sebastian. "Castrul roman Cumidava". Retrieved 2013-05-06.