Cultural and Educational Panel

The Cultural and Educational Panel (Irish: An Rolla Saíochta agus Oideachais) is one of five Vocational Panels which together elect 43 members of Seanad Éireann, the upper house of the Oireachtas (the legislature of Ireland). The Cultural and Educational panel elects 5 Senators, at least 2 of whom must come from the Oireachtas members' nominees and another three must come from the nominating bodies' nominees.

List of nominating bodies

Election results

24th Seanad (2011)

Name Party
Thomas Byrne Fianna Fáil
Deirdre Clune Fine Gael
John Gilroy Labour Party
Michael Mullins Fine Gael
Labhrás Ó Murchú Fianna Fáil

23rd Seanad (2007)

Name Party
Cecilia Keaveney Fianna Fáil
Labhrás Ó Murchú Fianna Fáil
Ann Ormonde Fianna Fáil
Liam Twomey Fine Gael
Alex White Labour Party

22nd Seanad (2002)

Name Party
Noel Coonan Fine Gael
Brian Hayes Fine Gael
Paschal Mooney Fianna Fáil
Labhrás Ó Murchú Fianna Fáil
Ann Ormonde Fianna Fáil