

Sagittal section of the lower part of a female trunk, right segment. (Pouch of Douglas labeled at bottom right.)
ICD-9-CM 70.22
MeSH D003464
OPS-301 code: 1-696

Culdoscopy is a medical diagnostic procedure performed to examine the rectouterine pouch and pelvic viscera by the introduction of a culdoscope through the posterior vaginal wall.[1] The word culdoscopy (and culdoscope) is derived from the phrase cul-de-sac, which means literally in French "bottom of a sac". More accurately, the name hints to a blind pouch or cavity in the female body that is closed at one end and, in a more specific sense, refers to the rectouterine pouch (or called the pouch of Douglas).[2]

Culdoscopy is an important gynecological diagnostic technique, is gaining wide acceptance. Culdoscopy is a type of vaginal sterilization procedure.[3] Its name is derived from the posterior cul-de-sac, a space behind the cervix where it is possible, under local anesthesia, to insert a small illuminated telescope through which one may inspect the pelvic organs, without having to resort to a major abdominal operation, as was formerly necessary. Conditions diagnosable by culdoscopy include tubal adhesions (causing sterility), ectopic pregnancy, salpingitis, and appendicitis.

"A major advantage of a culdoscopy is that there are no abdominal incisions. Culdoscopy tends to be reserved for obese patients or for women with a retroverted uterus. This transvaginal procedure involves a small incision made into vaginal wall. Research is showing that this method is safer than originally thought. Yet, a culdoscopy may be difficult to perform because it requires a woman to be in a knee-to-chest position while under local anesthesia. A culdoscopy takes about 15 to 30 minutes, and women are able to go home the same day. It may take a few days at home to recover. Sexual intercourse is usually postponed until the incision is completely healed, which usually requires several weeks, and there are no visible scars."[3]
