Cruz Family

Cruz Family in Chile, they was founded by naval captain, Giovanni della Croce Bernardotte, hispanicized, Juan de la Cruz y Bernadotte. He arrived in Chile in 1743.


Juan de la Cruz y Bernadotte was born in Genoa, Liguria in 1693. He had enrolled in the troops of Felipe V and later in the troops of Carlos III of Spain. Under the command of Admiral Pizarro, he arrived in Chile in 1743 to the city of Concepción in the War of Arauco. El Conde de Superunda, José Antonio Manso de Velasco who to installed in San Agustin de Talca in 1744. He died in that city on January 27, 1768.[1]

He married María Silveria Álvarez de Bahamonde y Herrera, she was old criolla know whose likeness and their children are housed in various history books Chile.[2]

They were founders of one of more important Chilean colonial families, through six of his fifteen sons, one son of whom would fall title castilla low corona Condal, Condado de Maule, would extend generously in the plot of San Agustin de Talca and City of Talca and then through the house vizcondado Cruz, whose training and development was crucial involvement, then projected in Santiago society.[3]

His children

i) Faustino de la Cruz y Bahamonde, born in February of 1746 and he died in may of 1826. He married with Mercedes Polloni Molina.
ii) Jacinto de la Cruz y Bahamonde, born in 1752, priest Catolic.
iii) Juan Esteban de la Cruz y Bahamonde born in and he died in may 11, 1802. He married with María del Loreto Antúnez y Silva.
iv) Vicente de la Cruz y Bahamonde born in july of 1753 and he died in octuber 27, 1823. He married with Josefa Burgos y Fonseca.
v) Juan Manuel de la Cruz y Bahamonde born in july 23, 1756 and he died febrery 12, 1822. He married first marriage with Tomasa Antúnez y Silva (1 daughter) and second marriage with María de los Dolores Muñoz Plaza.
vi) Ignacio de la Cruz y Bahamonde the child died.
vii) María de los Ángeles de la Cruz y Bahamonde the child died.
viii) Anselmo de la Cruz y Bahamonde born in april 19, 1764 y he died in july 23, 1833. He was married with Isabel Antúnez y Silva.
ix) Juan de la Cruz y Bahamonde the child died.
x) María Mercedes de la Cruz y Bahamonde died in 1773. She was married with Juan Albano Pereira Márquez.
xi) Bartolina de la Cruz y Bahamonde born in 1750 and she was married april 5, 1776 with Juan Albano Pereira Márquez and she died in 1819.
xii) Micaela de la Cruz y Bahamonde was married in September 29, 1777 with Manuel de la Concha y Pérez de Velarde and she died in 1823,
xiii) María Rita de la Cruz y Bahamonde was married in the first marriage with Ángel García y Prieto and second marriage with Eugenio José Fernández de Braga y Burgos.
xiv) Manuela de la Cruz y Bahamonde married with Juan de Echeverría.
xv) Nicolás de la Cruz y Bahamonde, born in 1760 and he died January 3, 1828. He was married with María Joaquina Jiménez de Velasco y Boneo.

See also


  1. Juan Luis Espejo, Nobiliario de la Capitanía General de Chile
  2. Gustavo Opazo Maturana, Historia de Talca
  3. Juan E. Barrios Barth, Valdivia varonía de Conquistador Martín de Irízar

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