Crossroads Centre

Crossroads Centre
Location Antigua, Caribbean islands
Patron Eric Clapton
Richard Conte

The Crossroads Centre is a drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation centre located on the Caribbean island of Antigua.


The centre was founded by guitarist Eric Clapton & Richard Conte, CEO of The Priory Hospitals Group (London) and Transitional Hospitals Corporation (Nevada). All development of the facility was performed by officers and employees of these 2 companies. Conte & Clapton served as the Centre's first two board members with Conte being chairman. Transitional put up all working capital during the development phase and the facility was initially owned 2/3 by Transitional and 1/3 by Clapton. Former prime minister Lester Bird of Antigua was integrally involved by Transitional and arranged for the government of Antigua's assistance with roads, utilities and a favourable land purchase price. Conte's wife is credited with naming the facility and his associate Lester Keizer of Transitional was the 'point man' on the project.


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