Cristo de La Laguna

Christ of La Laguna
Spanish: Santísimo Cristo de La Laguna
Artist Louis Van Der Vule
Year 1510 - 1514
Type Wood
Location Real Santuario del Santísimo Cristo de La Laguna

The Cristo de La Laguna (Christ of La Laguna in English) is a Catholic figure of great historical, artistic and cultural image that represents the crucified Jesus of Nazareth. Situated in the Real Santuario del Santísimo Cristo de La Laguna (Royal Sanctuary of the Christ), in city of San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain).

It is the image that represents Jesus most revered and important of the Canary Islands,[1] the image procession at Easter and September 14 to the Cathedral of La Laguna where he remained until a few days after returning to her shrine, which is visited daily. This work is one of the best ones that are part of the historical heritage of the Canary Islands. It is one of the Spanish religious sculptures of the highest artistic value.[2] He is also considered one of the best European crucified in terms of artistic quality.[3]


There are many theories on the origin of the figure of Christ. It was Professor Joaquin Yarza who assumed that its origins were northern European, although he did not deny its Sevillian origins. The latest studies conducted by Professor Francisco Galante Gomez confirm that the figure came from the flourishing workshops of Antwerp, thus making it of Flemish-Brabanzon origin, and it was sculpted by Louis Van Der Vule around 1514.

It is claimed that the Santisimo Cristo went to Venice before coming to Tenerife, as the city was a major trading and economic centre at the time. From there, it was taken to Barcelona and from Barcelona to Cádiz, where it was given temporary accommodation in the church of La Vera Cruz in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. After finally come to Tenerife in 1520.

The church of the christ is currently classified as a Royal Sanctuary, and is highly popular with church goers. It was returned to the Franciscan community of the annex to the Convent of San Miguel de las Victorias. The church of the christ in the course of history was enriched by the Popes pardons that are granted to the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome.[4] The "Real Santuario del Santísimo Cristo de La Laguna" was listed as a Cultural Monument in 2005 by the Canary Islands Government.

Brotherhood of Cristo de La Laguna

From the image of Christ is responsible for a fraternity or sorority is the largest of the Canary Islands,[5] call: Pontificia, Real y Venerable Esclavitud del Santísimo Cristo de La Laguna. The Spanish King Alfonso XIII to this brotherhood Awarded the title of "Royal" on 19 December 1906, and Pope Pius X gave him the title of "Pontifical" on 15 February 1908.


See also


  1. Cristo de La Laguna
  2. Las entrañas del Cristo
  3. "La tradición del Cristo Predicador sólo es canaria y debe volver a sus orígenes"
  4. Estatutos Oficiales de la Esclavitud del Santísimo Cristo de La Laguna
  5. Fiestas del Cristo de La Laguna 2006

External links