Cranberry sauce

Cranberry sauce

Jar of cranberry sauce
Alternative names Cranberry jelly
Place of origin United States
Main ingredients sugar, water, cranberry
Cookbook:Cranberry sauce  Cranberry sauce

Cranberry sauce or cranberry jelly[1] is a sauce or relish made out of cranberries, commonly associated with Thanksgiving dinner in North America and Christmas dinner in the United Kingdom. There are differences in flavor depending on the geography of where the sauce is made: in Europe it is generally slightly sour-tasting, while in North America it is sweetened.


Cranberries popping

The most basic cranberry sauce consists of cranberries boiled in sugar water until the berries pop and the mixture thickens. Some recipes include other ingredients such as slivered almonds, orange juice, zest, ginger, maple syrup, port, or cinnamon.

Cranberry jelly from a can, sliced

Commercial cranberry sauce may be loose and uncondensed, or condensed or jellied and sweetened with various ingredients. The jellied form may be slipped out of a can onto a dish, and served sliced or intact for slicing at the table.

Cranberry sauce is often eaten in conjunction with turkey for Christmas in the United Kingdom or Thanksgiving in the United States and Canada, and it is only rarely eaten or served in other contexts there.[2]

See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Cranberry sauce.


  1. Pyenson, Andrea. "A tale of two side dishes". The Boston Globe. Retrieved 2010-11-25.
  2. Wallendorf, Melanie; Arnould, Eric (1991). ""We Gather Together": Consumption Rituals of Thanksgiving Day". Journal of Consumer Research (The University of Chicago Press) 18 (1): 13–31. doi:10.1086/209237. JSTOR 2489481.